Condition: BRAND NEW
ISBN: 9789882372863
Year: 2023
Publisher: Columbia University Press
The Guodian corpus is a cache of literary and philosophical texts discovered in a Warring States-period tomb in Hubei Province. Through detailed decipherment of individual characters and phrases, this book investigates the philosophical import of these texts, and proposes their association with Zisi, the famous grandson of Confucius. Huang also discusses the connection of the Guodian texts with early intellectual tradition of Xunzi, Mencius, Confucius, and the legendary Laozi, as well as the process of rewriting that transformed Zisi's original teachings into a conformist line of thinking at that time.
ISBN: 9789882372863
Year: 2023
Publisher: Columbia University Press
The Guodian corpus is a cache of literary and philosophical texts discovered in a Warring States-period tomb in Hubei Province. Through detailed decipherment of individual characters and phrases, this book investigates the philosophical import of these texts, and proposes their association with Zisi, the famous grandson of Confucius. Huang also discusses the connection of the Guodian texts with early intellectual tradition of Xunzi, Mencius, Confucius, and the legendary Laozi, as well as the process of rewriting that transformed Zisi's original teachings into a conformist line of thinking at that time.