Discover the intricacies of queer life and love in the compelling novel 'The Longest Summer'. Set in the small town of Abboton, IN, this captivating story follows Victor Adewale, a hard-partying individual grappling with long-standing secrets and a tangled web of relationships. When a shocking $10,000 goes misappropriated from his work at a mall store, Victor finds himself in a precarious position, facing suspicions and challenges that threaten his future.
As he navigates the pressures from his stern Nigerian father to clean up his life and secure a grad school opportunity in New York, Victor must also confront a romantic entanglement between his secret ex-boyfriend Kyle and the intriguing fellow mallrat Amory. With the risk of losing everything, including the chance for deeper love and acceptance, Victor's journey explores themes of identity, betrayal, and the struggle for validation in a world that feels against him.
'The Longest Summer' blends heartfelt storytelling with a dash of suspense as relationships unfold amidst secrets and risks. Experience this brand new trade paperback by Clash Books, ISBN: 9781955904735, as it captures the complexities of queer relationships in contemporary settings. Order now and dare to delve into a world of love, loss, and discovery.
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Note: Shipping for this item is free. Please allow up to 6 weeks for delivery. Once your order is placed, it cannot be cancelled.
Condition: BRAND NEW
ISBN: 9781955904735
Format: Trade paperback (US)
Year: 2023
Publisher: Clash Books
Being queer in a small town? Bad. Your employer believing you stole ten thousand dollars? Worse.
Abboton, IN has kept hard-partying Victor Adewale in the closet for his entire life. So he makes a deal with his stern Nigerian father: Clean up his act, hold down a job, and the dad will pay for him to attend grad school in New York. Easy enough, until $10,000 goes missing from Victor’s Hot Topic-esque mall store under his watch, leaving him the prime suspect. Meanwhile, Victor’s secret ex-boyfriend Kyle sets him up with fellow mallrat Amory. A bisexual love triangle forms when it becomes clear Victor and Kyle aren’t over each other. But as Victor grows increasingly certain that Kyle is responsible for the theft, their relationship gets way more complicated. Desperate, Victor turns to his dangerous friend Henshaw, who offers shady alternative methods of getting the money he needs. But Henshaw’s got secrets of his own that might destroy them all.
As he navigates the pressures from his stern Nigerian father to clean up his life and secure a grad school opportunity in New York, Victor must also confront a romantic entanglement between his secret ex-boyfriend Kyle and the intriguing fellow mallrat Amory. With the risk of losing everything, including the chance for deeper love and acceptance, Victor's journey explores themes of identity, betrayal, and the struggle for validation in a world that feels against him.
'The Longest Summer' blends heartfelt storytelling with a dash of suspense as relationships unfold amidst secrets and risks. Experience this brand new trade paperback by Clash Books, ISBN: 9781955904735, as it captures the complexities of queer relationships in contemporary settings. Order now and dare to delve into a world of love, loss, and discovery.
Note: Shipping for this item is free. Please allow up to 6 weeks for delivery. Once your order is placed, it cannot be cancelled.
Note: Shipping for this item is free. Please allow up to 6 weeks for delivery. Once your order is placed, it cannot be cancelled.
Condition: BRAND NEW
ISBN: 9781955904735
Format: Trade paperback (US)
Year: 2023
Publisher: Clash Books
Being queer in a small town? Bad. Your employer believing you stole ten thousand dollars? Worse.
Abboton, IN has kept hard-partying Victor Adewale in the closet for his entire life. So he makes a deal with his stern Nigerian father: Clean up his act, hold down a job, and the dad will pay for him to attend grad school in New York. Easy enough, until $10,000 goes missing from Victor’s Hot Topic-esque mall store under his watch, leaving him the prime suspect. Meanwhile, Victor’s secret ex-boyfriend Kyle sets him up with fellow mallrat Amory. A bisexual love triangle forms when it becomes clear Victor and Kyle aren’t over each other. But as Victor grows increasingly certain that Kyle is responsible for the theft, their relationship gets way more complicated. Desperate, Victor turns to his dangerous friend Henshaw, who offers shady alternative methods of getting the money he needs. But Henshaw’s got secrets of his own that might destroy them all.