Discover the hilarious escapades of Greg Heffley in 'The Long Haul: Diary of a Wimpy Kid (BK9),' the ninth installment in the beloved series by Jeff Kinney. This B-format paperback, published by Penguin Australia Pty Ltd in 2014, captures the essence of middle school chaos and family dynamics. Packed with 224 pages of laughter, this edition follows Greg and his family on a family road trip that goes hilariously awry. Intended for kids aged 8-12, this book is a perfect gift for reluctant readers and fans of humor. Watch as the Heffleys encounter gas station bathrooms, crazed seagulls, and even a runaway pig! Experience how even the most chaotic journeys can turn into unforgettable adventures. Make 'The Long Haul' a staple in your child's library and let them join Greg on his quirky, relatable, and entertaining journey. Join millions of readers worldwide who have made 'Diary of a Wimpy Kid' a phenomenal success, as recognized by major publications like USA Today and the New York Times. Don’t miss out on the laughter; order your copy today and let your young readers dive into the amazing world of Wimpy Kid!
Condition: BRAND NEW
ISBN: 9780143308591
Format: B-format paperback
Year: 2014
Publisher: Penguin Australia Pty Ltd
Pages: 224
The Diary of Wimpy Kid series of books, by best-selling author Jeff Kinney, charts the highs and lows of our middle school hero, Greg, as he stumbles and fumbles from childhood to teenhood via school-hood. Sometimes helped by his friends and family, often not helped by himself!
A family road trip is supposed to be a lot of fun . . . unless, of course, you're the Heffleys. The journey starts off full of promise, then quickly takes several wrong turns. Gas station bathrooms, crazed seagulls, a fender bender, and a runaway pig-not exactly Greg Heffley's idea of a good time. But even the worst road trip can turn into an adventure-and this is one the Heffleys won't soon forget.
Readers love The Diary of a Wimpy Kid Series. The USA Today, Publishers Weekly, Wall Street Journal, and # 1 New York Times bestsellers-
'In the publishing world, Kinney is a rock star.' NPR's 'Backseat Book Club'
'Diary of a Wimpy Kid is bent on world domination.' Time magazine
'One of the most successful children's series ever published.' Washington Post
'A big hit with reluctant readers and anyone looking for a funny book.' School Library Journal
Condition: BRAND NEW
ISBN: 9780143308591
Format: B-format paperback
Year: 2014
Publisher: Penguin Australia Pty Ltd
Pages: 224
The Diary of Wimpy Kid series of books, by best-selling author Jeff Kinney, charts the highs and lows of our middle school hero, Greg, as he stumbles and fumbles from childhood to teenhood via school-hood. Sometimes helped by his friends and family, often not helped by himself!
A family road trip is supposed to be a lot of fun . . . unless, of course, you're the Heffleys. The journey starts off full of promise, then quickly takes several wrong turns. Gas station bathrooms, crazed seagulls, a fender bender, and a runaway pig-not exactly Greg Heffley's idea of a good time. But even the worst road trip can turn into an adventure-and this is one the Heffleys won't soon forget.
Readers love The Diary of a Wimpy Kid Series. The USA Today, Publishers Weekly, Wall Street Journal, and # 1 New York Times bestsellers-
'In the publishing world, Kinney is a rock star.' NPR's 'Backseat Book Club'
'Diary of a Wimpy Kid is bent on world domination.' Time magazine
'One of the most successful children's series ever published.' Washington Post
'A big hit with reluctant readers and anyone looking for a funny book.' School Library Journal