Dive into the captivating world of *The Legend of Korra: Turf Wars*, a thrilling Nickelodeon Avatar graphic novel that continues the iconic story of Korra and Asami. This compelling tale, authored by Michael Dante DiMartino, takes place after a transformative journey in the Spirit World, bringing our heroes back to the chaotic and vibrant Republic City. With 232 pages of breathtaking art and gripping narrative, this graphic novel captures the struggles between humans and spirits as they navigate political turmoil and personal growth.
In *Turf Wars*, Korra and Asami face powerful adversaries, including the arrogant developer Wonyong Keum, who aims to turn a vital spirit portal into a heartless amusement park, threatening the delicate balance between worlds. Meanwhile, Zhu Li rallies her efforts to support the increasing number of hungry and homeless evacuees, showcasing themes of resilience and community.
The new menace in Republic City is Tokuga, the ruthless leader of the Triple Threats, who seeks to unite the criminal underworld at any cost. As Korra and Asami tackle these intricate challenges, they must cultivate their teamwork and trust for their mission to succeed.
Ideal for fans of the Avatar universe and newcomers alike, *The Legend of Korra: Turf Wars* is a must-have addition to your collection. Immerse yourself in this emotional journey filled with adventure, friendship, and intrigue. Get your copy and join the battle for Republic City today! Delivery information: Please check our site for shipping details and options available in your region.
The Legend of Korra: Turf Wars (Nickelodeon: Avatar Graphic Novel)
By DiMartino, Michael Dante
Number of Pages 232
After a refreshing sojourn in the Spirit World, Korra and Asami return to Republic City to find nothing but political hijinks and human vs. spirit conflict! Pompous developer Wonyong Keum plans to turn the new spirit portal into an amusement park, potentially severing an already ...tumultuous connection with the spirits. At the city's edge, Zhu Li enlists everyone she can to aid the thousands of hungry and homeless evacuees who have relocated there. Meanwhile, the Triple Threats' ruthless new leader, Tokuga, is determined to unite the other triads under his rule, no matter the cost. In order to get through it all, Korra and Asami vow to look out for each other-but first, they've got to get better at being a team!
In *Turf Wars*, Korra and Asami face powerful adversaries, including the arrogant developer Wonyong Keum, who aims to turn a vital spirit portal into a heartless amusement park, threatening the delicate balance between worlds. Meanwhile, Zhu Li rallies her efforts to support the increasing number of hungry and homeless evacuees, showcasing themes of resilience and community.
The new menace in Republic City is Tokuga, the ruthless leader of the Triple Threats, who seeks to unite the criminal underworld at any cost. As Korra and Asami tackle these intricate challenges, they must cultivate their teamwork and trust for their mission to succeed.
Ideal for fans of the Avatar universe and newcomers alike, *The Legend of Korra: Turf Wars* is a must-have addition to your collection. Immerse yourself in this emotional journey filled with adventure, friendship, and intrigue. Get your copy and join the battle for Republic City today! Delivery information: Please check our site for shipping details and options available in your region.
The Legend of Korra: Turf Wars (Nickelodeon: Avatar Graphic Novel)
By DiMartino, Michael Dante
Number of Pages 232
After a refreshing sojourn in the Spirit World, Korra and Asami return to Republic City to find nothing but political hijinks and human vs. spirit conflict! Pompous developer Wonyong Keum plans to turn the new spirit portal into an amusement park, potentially severing an already ...tumultuous connection with the spirits. At the city's edge, Zhu Li enlists everyone she can to aid the thousands of hungry and homeless evacuees who have relocated there. Meanwhile, the Triple Threats' ruthless new leader, Tokuga, is determined to unite the other triads under his rule, no matter the cost. In order to get through it all, Korra and Asami vow to look out for each other-but first, they've got to get better at being a team!