Discover the heartwarming tale woven into the pages of a captivating multi-generational women's fiction novel set in the enchanting Kookaburra Creek. This beautifully written story unfolds in a quaint Australian town, bringing together the lives of three women who share the Kookaburra Creek Café as a pivotal backdrop. Experience Hattie's journey, a woman whose dreams of stardom were dashed and who found solace in the café she has run for decades. Can she overcome the haunting ghosts of her past to secure a bright future? Dive into Alice's life, where the café has been a sanctuary and her bakery magic has sweetened the lives of many. Will Alice ever get her happy ending despite the challenges she faces? Finally, journey with Becca, a troubled teen searching for belonging. Can the café provide the fresh start she seeks, helping her shed the weight of her secrets? This compelling storytelling perfect for fans of heartwarming fiction invites you to explore themes of resilience, friendship, and second chances. With 384 pages of pure charm and rich emotion, this trade paperback from Penguin Australia is a must-have for your bookshelf. Get ready to be captivated by the stories of Hattie, Alice, and Becca as they redefine their lives surrounded by the love of a community and the warmth of a cherished café. Don't miss your chance to own this contemporary classic in women's fiction. Fast delivery options are available to ensure you receive this gem quickly and securely.
Condition: BRAND NEW
ISBN: 9780143789192
Format: Trade paperback (UK)
Year: 2018
Publisher: Penguin Australia Pty Ltd
Pages: 384
Heart-warming and charming women's fiction - the multi-generational story of three women in the small Australian town of Kookaburra Creek.
Welcome to the Kookaburra Creek Cafe.
For Hattie, the cafe has been her refuge for the last fifty years - her second chance at a happy ending after her dreams of being a star were shattered. But will the ghosts of her past succeed in destroying everything she's worked so hard to build?
For Alice, the cafe is her livelihood. After Hattie took her in as a teenager, Alice has slowly forged a quiet life as the cafe's manager (and chief cupcake baker). But with so many tragedies behind her, is it too late for Alice's story to have a happy ending?
For Becca, a teenager in trouble, the cafe could be the new start she yearns for. That is, if she can be persuaded to stop running from her secrets. Can Becca find a way to believe in the kindness of strangers, and accept that this small town could be the place where she finally belongs?
One small town. Three lost women. And a lifetime of secrets.
Condition: BRAND NEW
ISBN: 9780143789192
Format: Trade paperback (UK)
Year: 2018
Publisher: Penguin Australia Pty Ltd
Pages: 384
Heart-warming and charming women's fiction - the multi-generational story of three women in the small Australian town of Kookaburra Creek.
Welcome to the Kookaburra Creek Cafe.
For Hattie, the cafe has been her refuge for the last fifty years - her second chance at a happy ending after her dreams of being a star were shattered. But will the ghosts of her past succeed in destroying everything she's worked so hard to build?
For Alice, the cafe is her livelihood. After Hattie took her in as a teenager, Alice has slowly forged a quiet life as the cafe's manager (and chief cupcake baker). But with so many tragedies behind her, is it too late for Alice's story to have a happy ending?
For Becca, a teenager in trouble, the cafe could be the new start she yearns for. That is, if she can be persuaded to stop running from her secrets. Can Becca find a way to believe in the kindness of strangers, and accept that this small town could be the place where she finally belongs?
One small town. Three lost women. And a lifetime of secrets.