Discover 'The Khan,' a gripping novel that masterfully blends themes of power, justice, and identity. This compelling tale follows Jia Khan, a successful lawyer whose life in London starkly contrasts with her gritty origins in Northern England. Raised in a tough environment where her father, Akbar Khan, led the local Pakistani community and navigated the dangerous world of organized crime, Jia has learned that to thrive, she must be 'twice as good as men and four times as good as white men.' After the shocking murder of her father, Jia is thrust back into her former life, facing a chaotic power struggle that threatens to unravel the fragile peace he once upheld. This 336-page trade paperback, published by Bloomsbury in 2021, captures Jia's journey as she grapples with her legacy and the heavy cost of justice in a world fraught with betrayal and violence. Perfect for readers who appreciate contemporary literature infused with cultural richness, 'The Khan' will keep you on the edge of your seat as you explore themes of heritage, family loyalty, and the confrontations that define our lives. This brand new edition is a must-read for anyone looking to delve into a narrative that is as thought-provoking as it is thrilling. Order now to secure your copy and enjoy swift delivery right to your door.
Condition: BRAND NEW
ISBN: 9780861540877
Format: Trade paperback (UK)
Year: 2021
Publisher: Bloomsbury
Pages: 336
"Be twice as good as men and four times as good as white men.
Jia Khan has always lived like this.
A successful lawyer, her London life is a long way from the grubby Northern streets she knew as a child, where her father headed up the Pakistani community and ran the local organised crime syndicate. Often his Jirga rule the old way was violent and bloody, but it was always justice of a kind.
But now her father, Akbar Khan, has been murdered and Jia must return to take his place. In the past, the police relied on him to maintain the fragile order of the streets. But a power struggle has broken out amongst the various communities and now, nobody is safe.
Justice needs to be restored, and Jia is about to discover that justice always comes at a price."
Condition: BRAND NEW
ISBN: 9780861540877
Format: Trade paperback (UK)
Year: 2021
Publisher: Bloomsbury
Pages: 336
"Be twice as good as men and four times as good as white men.
Jia Khan has always lived like this.
A successful lawyer, her London life is a long way from the grubby Northern streets she knew as a child, where her father headed up the Pakistani community and ran the local organised crime syndicate. Often his Jirga rule the old way was violent and bloody, but it was always justice of a kind.
But now her father, Akbar Khan, has been murdered and Jia must return to take his place. In the past, the police relied on him to maintain the fragile order of the streets. But a power struggle has broken out amongst the various communities and now, nobody is safe.
Justice needs to be restored, and Jia is about to discover that justice always comes at a price."