Discover the captivating narrative of 'The Island of Missing Trees' by Elif Shafak, a breathtaking tale set against the backdrop of Cyprus's tumultuous past. This riveting book weaves together the lives of two teenagers from opposing sides of a divided land—Kostas, a Greek Cypriot, and Defne, a Turkish Cypriot—who find solace in a local taverna. Hidden under the lush canopy of a fig tree that grows through the tavern's roof, they share secret moments of joy amidst the chaos of 1974. Shafak's storytelling seamlessly blends themes of love, loss, and cultural identity, creating a rich tapestry that explores the human experience in a time of conflict. Ada Kazantzakis, a sixteen-year-old girl in contemporary London, embarks on a poignant journey to reconnect with her familial roots and uncover the hidden secrets of her past. This poignant novel tackles issues of memory, human-induced environmental destruction, and the quest for renewal. 'The Island of Missing Trees' is a beautifully written book for lovers of literary fiction, historical novels, and poignant coming-of-age stories. Perfect for readers seeking depth and reflection on belonging and identity. Dive into this magical world today and experience the rich storytelling that makes Elif Shafak a prize-winning author. Order now for a deep and moving read that will resonate with you long after the last page is turned. Delivered in pristine condition, this brand new B-format paperback is published by Penguin UK and spans 320 pages of unforgettable narrative.
Condition: BRAND NEW
ISBN: 9780241988725
Format: B-format paperback
Year: 2022
Publisher: Penguin UK
Pages: 320
Two teenagers, a Greek Cypriot and a Turkish Cypriot, meet at a taverna on the island they both call home. The taverna It is 1974 on the island of Cyprus. Two teenagers, from opposite sides of a divided land, meet at a tavern in the city they both call home. The tavern is the only place that Kostas, who is Greek and Christian, and Defne, who is Turkish and Muslim, can meet, in secret, hidden beneath the blackened beams from which hang garlands of garlic, chilli peppers and wild herbs. This is where one can find the best food in town, the best music, the best wine. But there is something else to the place- it makes one forget, even if for just a few hours, the world outside and its immoderate sorrows.
In the centre of the tavern, growing through a cavity in the roof, is a fig tree. This tree will witness their hushed, happy meetings, their silent, surreptitious departures; and the tree will be there when the war breaks out, when the capital is reduced to rubble, when the teenagers vanish and break apart.
Decades later in north London, sixteen-year-old Ada Kazantzakis has never visited the island where her parents were born. Desperate for answers, she seeks to untangle years of secrets, separation and silence. The only connection she has to the land of her ancestors is a Ficus Carica growing in the back garden of their home.
In The Island of Missing Trees, prizewinning author Elif Shafak brings us a rich, magical tale of belonging and identity, love and trauma, memory and amnesia, human-induced destruction of nature, and, finally, renewal.
Condition: BRAND NEW
ISBN: 9780241988725
Format: B-format paperback
Year: 2022
Publisher: Penguin UK
Pages: 320
Two teenagers, a Greek Cypriot and a Turkish Cypriot, meet at a taverna on the island they both call home. The taverna It is 1974 on the island of Cyprus. Two teenagers, from opposite sides of a divided land, meet at a tavern in the city they both call home. The tavern is the only place that Kostas, who is Greek and Christian, and Defne, who is Turkish and Muslim, can meet, in secret, hidden beneath the blackened beams from which hang garlands of garlic, chilli peppers and wild herbs. This is where one can find the best food in town, the best music, the best wine. But there is something else to the place- it makes one forget, even if for just a few hours, the world outside and its immoderate sorrows.
In the centre of the tavern, growing through a cavity in the roof, is a fig tree. This tree will witness their hushed, happy meetings, their silent, surreptitious departures; and the tree will be there when the war breaks out, when the capital is reduced to rubble, when the teenagers vanish and break apart.
Decades later in north London, sixteen-year-old Ada Kazantzakis has never visited the island where her parents were born. Desperate for answers, she seeks to untangle years of secrets, separation and silence. The only connection she has to the land of her ancestors is a Ficus Carica growing in the back garden of their home.
In The Island of Missing Trees, prizewinning author Elif Shafak brings us a rich, magical tale of belonging and identity, love and trauma, memory and amnesia, human-induced destruction of nature, and, finally, renewal.