Discover the enchanting world of *The Invention of Hugo Cabret*, a breathtaking tale that merges elements of picture book, graphic novel, and cinematic artistry. This captivating story follows Hugo, an orphan and clock keeper, who resides hidden within the walls of a bustling Paris train station. His life revolves around secrets and the thrill of adventure, bringing a unique twist to the age-old themes of survival and discovery. With its 533 pages filled with stunning illustrations and an imaginative narrative, this book redefines storytelling, making it a must-have for readers of all ages. Written by the acclaimed Caldecott Honor artist Brian Selznick, this spellbinding mystery becomes an immersive experience that appeals to both children and adults. Perfect for those who cherish beautifully crafted tales, *The Invention of Hugo Cabret* is sure to leave its mark on your literary journey. Whether you're a collector of unique children's books or simply seeking a heartwarming story, this novel makes an ideal addition to your bookshelf. Order now and dive into the world of Hugo Cabret. CONDITION: Brand New, ISBN: 9780439813785, Publisher: SCHOLASTIC INC. Fast delivery options available to ensure you receive your copy without delay.
ISBN: 9780439813785
Number of Pages 533
Orphan, clock keeper, thief: Hugo lives in the walls of a busy Paris train station, where his survival depends on secrets and anonymity. Combining elements of picture book, graphic novel, and film, Caldecott Honor artist Selznick breaks open the novel form to create an entirely n...ew reading experience in this intricate, tender, and spellbinding mystery.Read less
ISBN: 9780439813785
Number of Pages 533
Orphan, clock keeper, thief: Hugo lives in the walls of a busy Paris train station, where his survival depends on secrets and anonymity. Combining elements of picture book, graphic novel, and film, Caldecott Honor artist Selznick breaks open the novel form to create an entirely n...ew reading experience in this intricate, tender, and spellbinding mystery.Read less