Title: The Hunchback of Notre-Dame (Wordsworth ...
Publisher: -
Publication Date: 1998
Binding: Paperback
With an Introduction and Notes by Keith Wren, University of Kent at Canterbury.
Set in 1482, Victor Hugo's powerful novel of 'imagination, caprice and fantasy' is a meditation on love, fate, architecture and politics, as well as a compelling recreation of the medieval world at the dawn of the modern age.
Title: The Hunchback of Notre-Dame (Wordsworth ...
Publisher: -
Publication Date: 1998
Binding: Paperback
With an Introduction and Notes by Keith Wren, University of Kent at Canterbury.
Set in 1482, Victor Hugo's powerful novel of 'imagination, caprice and fantasy' is a meditation on love, fate, architecture and politics, as well as a compelling recreation of the medieval world at the dawn of the modern age.