Discover 'The Heart of It All', a poignant novel set in a small, struggling town in central Ohio that explores the themes of community, family, and identity amidst growing societal division. Authored by Christian Kiefer and published in 2023 by RANDOM HOUSE US, this captivating trade paperback (UK) invites you to delve into the lives of three families—the Baileys, deeply rooted locals; the Marwats, an immigrant family owning the town's largest employer; and the Shaws, especially young Anthony, an outsider who challenges the town’s perspectives. This beautifully written narrative echoes the works of celebrated authors like Richard Ford and Marilynne Robinson, sparking profound reflections on America's complex tapestry of unity and division. With gripping storytelling and rich character development, 'The Heart of It All' is a must-read for anyone seeking to understand the bonds that bind us and the differences that may divide us. Experience a deeply moving tale that not only entertains but inspires and intrigues. Purchase now to connect with the powerful themes of love, loss, and resilience. Your journey into this heartfelt exploration awaits!
Condition: BRAND NEW
ISBN: 9781685890810
Format: Trade paperback (UK)
Year: 2023
Set in failing small town in central Ohio, The Heart of It All asks how one manages, in an America of increasing division, to find a sense of family and community.
Focusing on the members of three families- the Baileys, a white family who have put down deep roots in the community; the Marwats, an immigrant family that owns the town's largest employer; and the Shaws, especially young Anthony, an outsider whose very presence gently shakes the town's understanding of itself.
A gorgeous, stirring novel in the classic vein of Richard Ford, Marilynne Robinson, Richard Russo, and Kent Haruf, The Heart of It All asks the reader to consider an America both divided and bound by its differences.
"Deeply moving and beautifully written. I couldn't put it down." - Jesmyn Ward, author of Sing, Unburied, Sing
"For anyone who believes, as I do, that the best hope for our fractured country is local, not national, Christian Kiefer's new novel The Heart of it All will provide a welcome balm for the spirit. Here are people worth spending time with, not because they're perfect, but because they're not. What's wrong with them isn't nearly as consequential as how hard they fight for a better life, and not just for themselves. You set the book down and think, 'This is what we're made of.' Or should be."-Richard Russo, author of Somebody's Fool
A small, declining town in Ohio. A family bereaved by terrible loss. A searing narrative about how American lives touch each other across divides both real and imagined...
Set in failing small town in central Ohio, T
Condition: BRAND NEW
ISBN: 9781685890810
Format: Trade paperback (UK)
Year: 2023
Set in failing small town in central Ohio, The Heart of It All asks how one manages, in an America of increasing division, to find a sense of family and community.
Focusing on the members of three families- the Baileys, a white family who have put down deep roots in the community; the Marwats, an immigrant family that owns the town's largest employer; and the Shaws, especially young Anthony, an outsider whose very presence gently shakes the town's understanding of itself.
A gorgeous, stirring novel in the classic vein of Richard Ford, Marilynne Robinson, Richard Russo, and Kent Haruf, The Heart of It All asks the reader to consider an America both divided and bound by its differences.
"Deeply moving and beautifully written. I couldn't put it down." - Jesmyn Ward, author of Sing, Unburied, Sing
"For anyone who believes, as I do, that the best hope for our fractured country is local, not national, Christian Kiefer's new novel The Heart of it All will provide a welcome balm for the spirit. Here are people worth spending time with, not because they're perfect, but because they're not. What's wrong with them isn't nearly as consequential as how hard they fight for a better life, and not just for themselves. You set the book down and think, 'This is what we're made of.' Or should be."-Richard Russo, author of Somebody's Fool
A small, declining town in Ohio. A family bereaved by terrible loss. A searing narrative about how American lives touch each other across divides both real and imagined...
Set in failing small town in central Ohio, T