Explore the gripping tale set in Tamil Nadu during the tumultuous year of 1968, where village landlords enforce a brutal feudal system. Peasants toil relentlessly in the fields, facing harsh realities and cruel punishments. Amidst this backdrop of suffering and oppression, a spark of resistance ignites as the Communist Party begins to gain momentum, uniting villagers in their quest for justice. This compelling narrative captures the courage of communities standing up against tyranny, illustrating the fierce battle between the oppressed peasants and their ruthless landlords. As tensions rise, brutal repressions are met with an undying spirit of defiance, leading to a fierce struggle for survival and dignity. Delve into this powerful story that weaves together themes of resilience, community, and the fight for equality. A must-read for those passionate about social justice and historical narratives, this novel will resonate deeply with readers seeking thought-provoking literature set against the rich cultural tapestry of India. With its vivid portrayal of the human spirit against oppressive forces, this book is perfect for history enthusiasts, sociology students, and anyone interested in the fight against oppression. Order now to immerse yourself in this profound account of courage and resistance! Books are dispatched promptly, ensuring swift delivery to your doorstep, so you can dive into this immersive reading experience without delay.
Condition: BRAND NEW
ISBN: 9781782391807
Year: 2015
Publisher: Atlantic
Tamil Nadu, 1968. Village landlords rule over a feudal system that forces peasants to break their backs in the fields or suffer beatings as punishment. In the misery of their daily lives it is little wonder that the Communist Party begins to gain traction, a small spark of defiance spreading from villager to villager. As communities across the region begin to take a stand against the landlords, the landlords vow to break them; Party organizers suffer grisly deaths and the flow of food into the market-places dries up. But it only serves to make the villagers resistance burn more fiercely. Finally, the landlords descend on one village to set an example to the others.
Condition: BRAND NEW
ISBN: 9781782391807
Year: 2015
Publisher: Atlantic
Tamil Nadu, 1968. Village landlords rule over a feudal system that forces peasants to break their backs in the fields or suffer beatings as punishment. In the misery of their daily lives it is little wonder that the Communist Party begins to gain traction, a small spark of defiance spreading from villager to villager. As communities across the region begin to take a stand against the landlords, the landlords vow to break them; Party organizers suffer grisly deaths and the flow of food into the market-places dries up. But it only serves to make the villagers resistance burn more fiercely. Finally, the landlords descend on one village to set an example to the others.