Dive deep into the universe of The Green Lantern with Season Two, Vol. 2. This compelling graphic novel, penned by the New York Times bestselling author Grant Morrison and illustrated by the renowned Liam Sharp, immerses readers in a captivating narrative of heroism and cosmic intrigue. As the story unfolds, Hal Jordan finds himself caught in the aftermath of the devastating war with the Anti-Matter Lanterns. Forced into a bizarre afterlife, he faces judgment from the enigmatic Young Guardians, setting the stage for heart-stopping revelations about the impending Ultrawar and the elusive Cosmic Grail.
As hordes of anti-matter soldiers threaten the fragile peace, tensions rise amidst a backdrop of cosmic conspiracies and interstellar politics. Will Hal Jordan rise to the challenge and confront the monstrous forces lurking in the shadows? Can love conquer the divisiveness that spreads across worlds? This epic tale is a blend of mind-bending twists and emotional depth, offering fans a thrilling journey in the DC Universe.
Collecting The Green Lantern Season Two issues #7-12, this volume is not just a continuation of an iconic saga but a must-have for any serious comic book enthusiast. The exquisite art and gripping storyline ensure that every page is a feast for the eyes and mind. Perfect for both long-time fans and new readers, this edition is a vital addition to your collection.
Condition: BRAND NEW
ISBN: 9781779510181
Year: 2021
Pages: 168
Condition: BRAND NEW
ISBN: 9781779510181
Year: 2021
Pages: 168
New York Times bestselling author Grant Morrison and world-renowned artist Liam Sharp are back at it with the next volume of The Green Lantern Season Two. The cliffhanger on The Green Lantern leads to this cataclysmic confrontation...war with the Anti-Matter World.
In the lethal aftermath of the war with the Anti-Matter Lanterns, Hal Jordan finds himself in a bizarre afterlife facing the judgment of the Young Guardians. Nothing will ever be the same again as the truth about the coming Ultrawar and the Cosmic Grail is finally revealed.
Only one anti-matter soldier could decimate a small army of Green Lanterns, so what will happen when a horde of them strike? What monstrous forces gather in the shadows? What mind-bending and heartrending secrets will surface from this backdrop of cosmic conspiracy and shady interstellar politics? And as the divisiveness spreads from world to world, can love prevail?
Hal must prepare himself to face both death and rebirth in hopes of saving the more time.
Collects The Green Lantern Season Two #7-12.
As hordes of anti-matter soldiers threaten the fragile peace, tensions rise amidst a backdrop of cosmic conspiracies and interstellar politics. Will Hal Jordan rise to the challenge and confront the monstrous forces lurking in the shadows? Can love conquer the divisiveness that spreads across worlds? This epic tale is a blend of mind-bending twists and emotional depth, offering fans a thrilling journey in the DC Universe.
Collecting The Green Lantern Season Two issues #7-12, this volume is not just a continuation of an iconic saga but a must-have for any serious comic book enthusiast. The exquisite art and gripping storyline ensure that every page is a feast for the eyes and mind. Perfect for both long-time fans and new readers, this edition is a vital addition to your collection.
Condition: BRAND NEW
ISBN: 9781779510181
Year: 2021
Pages: 168
Condition: BRAND NEW
ISBN: 9781779510181
Year: 2021
Pages: 168
New York Times bestselling author Grant Morrison and world-renowned artist Liam Sharp are back at it with the next volume of The Green Lantern Season Two. The cliffhanger on The Green Lantern leads to this cataclysmic confrontation...war with the Anti-Matter World.
In the lethal aftermath of the war with the Anti-Matter Lanterns, Hal Jordan finds himself in a bizarre afterlife facing the judgment of the Young Guardians. Nothing will ever be the same again as the truth about the coming Ultrawar and the Cosmic Grail is finally revealed.
Only one anti-matter soldier could decimate a small army of Green Lanterns, so what will happen when a horde of them strike? What monstrous forces gather in the shadows? What mind-bending and heartrending secrets will surface from this backdrop of cosmic conspiracy and shady interstellar politics? And as the divisiveness spreads from world to world, can love prevail?
Hal must prepare himself to face both death and rebirth in hopes of saving the more time.
Collects The Green Lantern Season Two #7-12.