Title: The Good Soldier (Wordsworth Classics)
Publisher: Wordsworth Editions Ltd.
Publication Date: 2010
Binding: Paperback
With an Introduction and Notes by Sara Haslam, Department of English, The Open University.
The Good Soldier is a masterpiece of twentieth-century fiction, an inspiration for many later, distinguished writers, including Graham Greene. Set before the First World War, it tells the tale of two wealthy and sophisticated couples, one English, one American, as they travel, socialise, and take the waters in the spa towns of Europe.
Title: The Good Soldier (Wordsworth Classics)
Publisher: Wordsworth Editions Ltd.
Publication Date: 2010
Binding: Paperback
With an Introduction and Notes by Sara Haslam, Department of English, The Open University.
The Good Soldier is a masterpiece of twentieth-century fiction, an inspiration for many later, distinguished writers, including Graham Greene. Set before the First World War, it tells the tale of two wealthy and sophisticated couples, one English, one American, as they travel, socialise, and take the waters in the spa towns of Europe.