Immerse yourself in a poignant tale of friendship, courage, and resilience in 'The Good Gardener'. Set in 1964 Louisiana, this powerful story revolves around Lizzie Rowan, the daughter of a senior English teacher at Carlton High School, whose life takes a dramatic turn when four Negro students are integrated into her school. Among them is Reginald Washington, a gifted and bright student whose bond with Lizzie blossoms while they collaborate on the school play. Their friendship faces unimaginable hurdles when tragedy strikes on graduation night, leading to devastating consequences that challenge their loyalty and courage.
As Reggie is wrongfully accused of murder and Lizzie is ostracized for standing by him, the narrative unfolds against the backdrop of a deeply divided community. The journey of forgiveness and understanding takes Lizzie from the heart of Carlton to Galveston, where she learns the importance of compassion and second chances.
'The Good Gardener' is more than just a historical novel; it is a reflection on love, friendship, and the garden of life we cultivate. The beautifully written prose brings vivid characters to life, ensuring that readers will be captivated from the first page to the last. This trade paperback edition is published in 2022 by Bookbaby and features an ISBN of 9781667842776.
Please note that shipping for this item is free, and we appreciate your patience as delivery may take up to 6 weeks. Once your order is placed, it cannot be canceled. Embrace a transformative reading experience with 'The Good Gardener'.
Note: Shipping for this item is free. Please allow up to 6 weeks for delivery. Once your order is placed, it cannot be cancelled.
Condition: BRAND NEW
ISBN: 9781667842776
Format: Trade paperback (US)
Year: 2022
Publisher: Bookbaby
It is 1964 and the NAACP has helped to place four Negro students in the small Louisiana town of Carlton High School their senior year to begin the process of integration. Fourteen year old Lizzie Rowan's mother Louise Rowan is the senior English teacher who recognizes that one of these students, Reginald Washington, is exceptionally bright. Lizzie becomes friends with Reginald—Reggie, when she works under him on props for the school play. Graduation night he is taken behind the school where Randy Bertrand, Lizzie's neighbor, beats him and leaves him for dead. Three months later Louise finds him working as a stock boy in a grocery store, recovering from a seizure in the midst of a mound of broken pickle jars. When he is fired, she hires him as a gardener, and for the next three years he transforms the Rowan back yard into a garden showplace.
Over the course of the next three years when Lizzie is about to graduate, tragedy strikes. Randy Bertrand's wife is bludgeoned to death and Reggie is framed for the murder. Because Lizzie is his only alibi, a cross is burned in her front yard and she is ostracized by the community, forcing her to leave Carlton. More sorrow fills her life and she flees to Galveston where she lives and learns to forgive and be forgiven in hopes that one day her path will cross Reggie's once again.
As Reggie is wrongfully accused of murder and Lizzie is ostracized for standing by him, the narrative unfolds against the backdrop of a deeply divided community. The journey of forgiveness and understanding takes Lizzie from the heart of Carlton to Galveston, where she learns the importance of compassion and second chances.
'The Good Gardener' is more than just a historical novel; it is a reflection on love, friendship, and the garden of life we cultivate. The beautifully written prose brings vivid characters to life, ensuring that readers will be captivated from the first page to the last. This trade paperback edition is published in 2022 by Bookbaby and features an ISBN of 9781667842776.
Please note that shipping for this item is free, and we appreciate your patience as delivery may take up to 6 weeks. Once your order is placed, it cannot be canceled. Embrace a transformative reading experience with 'The Good Gardener'.
Note: Shipping for this item is free. Please allow up to 6 weeks for delivery. Once your order is placed, it cannot be cancelled.
Condition: BRAND NEW
ISBN: 9781667842776
Format: Trade paperback (US)
Year: 2022
Publisher: Bookbaby
It is 1964 and the NAACP has helped to place four Negro students in the small Louisiana town of Carlton High School their senior year to begin the process of integration. Fourteen year old Lizzie Rowan's mother Louise Rowan is the senior English teacher who recognizes that one of these students, Reginald Washington, is exceptionally bright. Lizzie becomes friends with Reginald—Reggie, when she works under him on props for the school play. Graduation night he is taken behind the school where Randy Bertrand, Lizzie's neighbor, beats him and leaves him for dead. Three months later Louise finds him working as a stock boy in a grocery store, recovering from a seizure in the midst of a mound of broken pickle jars. When he is fired, she hires him as a gardener, and for the next three years he transforms the Rowan back yard into a garden showplace.
Over the course of the next three years when Lizzie is about to graduate, tragedy strikes. Randy Bertrand's wife is bludgeoned to death and Reggie is framed for the murder. Because Lizzie is his only alibi, a cross is burned in her front yard and she is ostracized by the community, forcing her to leave Carlton. More sorrow fills her life and she flees to Galveston where she lives and learns to forgive and be forgiven in hopes that one day her path will cross Reggie's once again.