Discover the enchanting tale of 'The Goddess Chronicle', a spellbinding novel that intricately weaves the Japanese myth of Izanami and Izanagi into a contemporary narrative. Set on a mystical teardrop-shaped island, this story follows two sisters—one revered as an Oracle, the other cursed to dwell in the Underworld. Can destiny intertwine their fates as one sister's return sends ripples of change through their intertwined lives? Dive into a world of ferocious love, bitter revenge, and the complexities of sibling rivalry. A featured title in the acclaimed Myths series, this book is masterfully retold by renowned authors celebrated for their unique narrative prowess. Immerse yourself in this fantastical exploration of mythological themes and resonant emotional truths, making it a must-read for lovers of mythology, fantasy, and literary fiction. Perfect for readers seeking deep storytelling rich with tradition and modernity, 'The Goddess Chronicle' promises an unforgettable journey through love, loss, and retribution. BRAND NEW condition. ISBN: 9781786899170. Published by A&U Canongate in 2021. Fast delivery options available to enhance your reading experience.
Condition: BRAND NEW
ISBN: 9781786899170
Year: 2021
Publisher: A&U Canongate
On an island in the shape of a teardrop live two sisters. One is admired far and wide, the other lives in her shadow. One is the Oracle, the other is destined for the Underworld.
But what will happen when she returns to the island?
Based on the Japanese myth of Izanami and Izanagi, The Goddess Chronicle is a fantastical tour de force about ferocious love and bitter revenge.
The Myths series brings together some of the world's finest writers, each of whom has retold a myth in a contemporary and memorable way. Authors in the series include Karen Armstrong, Margaret Atwood, A.S. Byatt, David Grossman, Natsuo Kirino, Alexander McCall Smith, Philip Pullman, Ali Smith and Jeanette Winterson.
Condition: BRAND NEW
ISBN: 9781786899170
Year: 2021
Publisher: A&U Canongate
On an island in the shape of a teardrop live two sisters. One is admired far and wide, the other lives in her shadow. One is the Oracle, the other is destined for the Underworld.
But what will happen when she returns to the island?
Based on the Japanese myth of Izanami and Izanagi, The Goddess Chronicle is a fantastical tour de force about ferocious love and bitter revenge.
The Myths series brings together some of the world's finest writers, each of whom has retold a myth in a contemporary and memorable way. Authors in the series include Karen Armstrong, Margaret Atwood, A.S. Byatt, David Grossman, Natsuo Kirino, Alexander McCall Smith, Philip Pullman, Ali Smith and Jeanette Winterson.