Discover 'The Girl Who Died,' a captivating standalone novel by renowned crime writer Ragnar Jónasson. Known for his masterful storytelling and atmospheric mysteries, Jónasson delivers his darkest narrative yet, set in the haunting, storm-battered landscapes of Iceland. This gripping psychological thriller follows Una, a woman grappling with the devastating loss of her father. Desperate for a fresh start, she accepts a teaching position for two girls in the secluded village of Skalar. Upon arrival, however, she encounters an unfriendly community and an oppressive atmosphere that leaves her feeling isolated. The chilling echoes of ghostly singing from her creaky attic bedroom amplify her anxiety, leading her to question her own sanity. As the bleak winter closes in, the suspense escalates with a sudden death in the village, propelling Una into a web of mystery that she never anticipated. With 384 pages of intense narrative, this B-format paperback from Penguin UK is perfect for fans of contemporary thrillers and mystery novels. Ideal for book clubs and those who appreciate deep character studies entwined with chilling plots. 'The Girl Who Died' unfolds a tale of loss, isolation, and the quest for truth, making it a must-read for lovers of crime fiction.
Condition: BRAND NEW
ISBN: 9781405942546
Format: B-format paperback
Year: 2022
Publisher: Penguin UK
Pages: 384
Delivery Information: We ensure fast and reliable delivery to your doorstep.
Condition: BRAND NEW
ISBN: 9781405942546
Format: B-format paperback
Year: 2022
Publisher: Penguin UK
Pages: 384
'Is this the best crime writer in the world today?' The TimesRagnar J nasson returns with his very first standalone - his darkest and most atmospheric mystery yet . . .
Una is devastated after the suicide of her father. So when she sees an advert seeking a teacher for two girls in Skalar on the storm-battered north coast of the island, she sees it as a chance to escape.
But once she arrives, Una quickly realises nothing in city life has prepared her for this. The villagers are unfriendly. The weather is bleak. And, from the creaky attic bedroom in the old house she's living, she's convinced she hears the ghostly sound of singing.
Una worries that she's losing her mind. And then, just before Christmas, there's a death in the village . . .
Condition: BRAND NEW
ISBN: 9781405942546
Format: B-format paperback
Year: 2022
Publisher: Penguin UK
Pages: 384
Delivery Information: We ensure fast and reliable delivery to your doorstep.
Condition: BRAND NEW
ISBN: 9781405942546
Format: B-format paperback
Year: 2022
Publisher: Penguin UK
Pages: 384
'Is this the best crime writer in the world today?' The TimesRagnar J nasson returns with his very first standalone - his darkest and most atmospheric mystery yet . . .
Una is devastated after the suicide of her father. So when she sees an advert seeking a teacher for two girls in Skalar on the storm-battered north coast of the island, she sees it as a chance to escape.
But once she arrives, Una quickly realises nothing in city life has prepared her for this. The villagers are unfriendly. The weather is bleak. And, from the creaky attic bedroom in the old house she's living, she's convinced she hears the ghostly sound of singing.
Una worries that she's losing her mind. And then, just before Christmas, there's a death in the village . . .