Discover the intriguing world of 'The Free Lunch Bunch', a captivating semi-fictional memoir that combines humor with invaluable life and investment advice. This original work by John Maynard chronicles his thrilling journey through the high-stakes poker world, where he finds himself as a finalist in a major buy-in tournament. With his financial future hanging in the balance, John reflects on his life choices and experiences. From his struggles job hunting after college to diving into the vibrant and legal card clubs of California, this gripping narrative offers profound insights into strategy, risk-taking, and resilience. Readers will enjoy the eclectic lessons from seasoned poker players, and the witty comparisons that make this memoir a delightful read. With its unique blend of humor and poignant storytelling, 'The Free Lunch Bunch' is a must-have for anyone seeking both entertainment and wisdom. Dive into this trade paperback, published by Bookbaby in 2022, and discover how life’s challenges can often mirror the unpredictability of a poker game. Note: Shipping for this item is free. Please allow up to 6 weeks for delivery. Once your order is placed, it cannot be cancelled. Condition: BRAND NEW. ISBN: 9781645168812. Format: Trade paperback (US). Year: 2022.
Note: Shipping for this item is free. Please allow up to 6 weeks for delivery. Once your order is placed, it cannot be cancelled.
Condition: BRAND NEW
ISBN: 9781645168812
Format: Trade paperback (US)
Year: 2022
Publisher: Bookbaby
The Free Lunch Bunch, a semi-fictional memoir, is humorous and offers life and investment advice. John Maynard is a finalist in a big buy-in poker tournament that he desperately needs to win. After going all in and awaiting his opponent's decision, he ponders how he reached this point where his happiness and financial future will be determined by another. He ruefully reflects back on his life. While job hunting after college he discovers the exciting, legal card clubs in CA. Along his zig zag journey, he learns strategy and life lessons from older, grizzled players. He learns that sometimes playing poker against opponents was like playing with monkeys ... no disrespect to monkeys.
Note: Shipping for this item is free. Please allow up to 6 weeks for delivery. Once your order is placed, it cannot be cancelled.
Condition: BRAND NEW
ISBN: 9781645168812
Format: Trade paperback (US)
Year: 2022
Publisher: Bookbaby
The Free Lunch Bunch, a semi-fictional memoir, is humorous and offers life and investment advice. John Maynard is a finalist in a big buy-in poker tournament that he desperately needs to win. After going all in and awaiting his opponent's decision, he ponders how he reached this point where his happiness and financial future will be determined by another. He ruefully reflects back on his life. While job hunting after college he discovers the exciting, legal card clubs in CA. Along his zig zag journey, he learns strategy and life lessons from older, grizzled players. He learns that sometimes playing poker against opponents was like playing with monkeys ... no disrespect to monkeys.