Discover 'The Force of Such Beauty', a captivating novel by Barbara Bourland that redefines modern fairy tales. Set in an enchanting seaside kingdom, this gripping narrative unfolds as Princess Caroline embarks on a daring escapade from her opulent palace life. With an ISBN of 9780593329351 and a trade paperback format available, this 2023 release from Penguin Group USA merges heart-pounding adventure with deep sociopolitical commentary. Perfect for readers seeking novels about empowerment, love, and the quest for freedom, this book is a poignant exploration of the struggle women face against oppressive power structures.
As Caroline's thrilling attempts to escape her gilded cage engage your heart, Bourland’s storytelling shines a spotlight on female agency and the societal constructs that bind them. This is not just a fairy tale; it's a powerful reflection on beauty, autonomy, and the costs of freedom. Whether you are passionate about feminism in literature or intrigued by novels about royal life, 'The Force of Such Beauty' promises to connect with you on multiple levels.
Order now and join Caroline on her journey of self-discovery. Receive your copy swiftly, with delivery options available throughout New Zealand and beyond. Embrace the adventure and profound themes within the pages of this remarkable book today.
Condition: BRAND NEW
ISBN: 9780593329351
Format: Trade paperback (UK)
Year: 2023
Publisher: Penguin Group USA
"This is not your grandma's fairy tale... Brilliant." -The Washington Post
"The Force of Such Beauty grips with the strength of an Olympian and holds it with the endurance of a marathoner ... to an ending that actually caught my breath, not once, but twice in quick succession."-The Associated Press
One sunny afternoon in an idyllic kingdom by the sea, a princess named Caroline pretends to sleep. When her keepers strike up a card game, Caroline sneaks into her maid's car, turns the key, and drives right out of the palace. Alone for the first time in years, she gets on the next flight-only to land in the waiting arms of her guards. As she's forcibly escorted back to her marble prison, something in Caroline breaks for good. It's not her first failed attempt, and it won't be her last. Caroline suspects that she'll never escape. But she might find a way to be free.
Barbara Bourland's stunning third novel, a phantasmagorical fable of love and marriage, is her most ambitious and inventive book to date. Inspired by the alleged escape attempts of real-life princesses, The Force of Such Beauty is both the story of an idealistic young woman trapped by a corrupt promise, and a deeply moving reminder that power structures around the world ultimately rest on the subjugation of women's bodies.
"A fascinating novel about bodies, the way we use them, and the way we break them. It's one of several works to come out this year concerned with the appropriation of female beauty by powerful men, and examines a harsh choice in the lives of women dubbed desirable by the patriar
As Caroline's thrilling attempts to escape her gilded cage engage your heart, Bourland’s storytelling shines a spotlight on female agency and the societal constructs that bind them. This is not just a fairy tale; it's a powerful reflection on beauty, autonomy, and the costs of freedom. Whether you are passionate about feminism in literature or intrigued by novels about royal life, 'The Force of Such Beauty' promises to connect with you on multiple levels.
Order now and join Caroline on her journey of self-discovery. Receive your copy swiftly, with delivery options available throughout New Zealand and beyond. Embrace the adventure and profound themes within the pages of this remarkable book today.
Condition: BRAND NEW
ISBN: 9780593329351
Format: Trade paperback (UK)
Year: 2023
Publisher: Penguin Group USA
"This is not your grandma's fairy tale... Brilliant." -The Washington Post
"The Force of Such Beauty grips with the strength of an Olympian and holds it with the endurance of a marathoner ... to an ending that actually caught my breath, not once, but twice in quick succession."-The Associated Press
One sunny afternoon in an idyllic kingdom by the sea, a princess named Caroline pretends to sleep. When her keepers strike up a card game, Caroline sneaks into her maid's car, turns the key, and drives right out of the palace. Alone for the first time in years, she gets on the next flight-only to land in the waiting arms of her guards. As she's forcibly escorted back to her marble prison, something in Caroline breaks for good. It's not her first failed attempt, and it won't be her last. Caroline suspects that she'll never escape. But she might find a way to be free.
Barbara Bourland's stunning third novel, a phantasmagorical fable of love and marriage, is her most ambitious and inventive book to date. Inspired by the alleged escape attempts of real-life princesses, The Force of Such Beauty is both the story of an idealistic young woman trapped by a corrupt promise, and a deeply moving reminder that power structures around the world ultimately rest on the subjugation of women's bodies.
"A fascinating novel about bodies, the way we use them, and the way we break them. It's one of several works to come out this year concerned with the appropriation of female beauty by powerful men, and examines a harsh choice in the lives of women dubbed desirable by the patriar