Dive into the captivating world of 'The Five Queendoms: Scorpica,' an enchanting epic fantasy novel published by Titan Publishing Group in 2022. With a gripping narrative and rich character development, this book explores the dire consequences following 500 years of peace when the birth of girls mysteriously ceases across the queendoms. The ensuing Drought of Girls unleashes political turmoil, shaking the foundations of long-standing alliances as each queendom faces potential ruin. Follow a cast of remarkable women, including a warrior queen forced to emerge from her childbirth bed, a healer hiding a powerful secret, and a queen resorting to dark magic, as they navigate betrayal, power struggles, and profound personal challenges.
'The Five Queendoms: Scorpica' tells a story of courage, resilience, and the fight for survival. With an intriguing mix of fantasy elements and relatable themes, this book will appeal to fans of strong female protagonists and immersive world-building. The striking ISBN 9781789099324 ensures you have the authentic copy that will transport you to a realm of magic and conflict! Don't miss out on this spectacular addition to your fantasy collection!
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Note: Shipping for this item is free. Please allow up to 6 weeks for delivery. Once your order is placed, it cannot be cancelled.
Condition: BRAND NEW
ISBN: 9781789099324
Year: 2022
Publisher: Titan Publishing Group
Five hundred years of peace between queendoms shatters when girls inexplicably stop being born. As the Drought of Girls stretches across a generation, it sets off a cascade of political and personal consequences across all five queendoms of the known world, throwing long-standing alliances into disarray as each queendom begins to turn on each other — and new threats to each nation rise from within.
Uniting the stories of women from across the queendoms, this propulsive, gripping epic fantasy follows a warrior queen who must rise from childbirth bed to fight for her life and her throne, a healer in hiding desperate to protect the secret of her daughter’s explosive power, a queen whose desperation to retain control leads her to risk using the darkest magic, a near-immortal sorcerer demigod powerful enough to remake the world for her own ends — and the generation of lastborn girls, the ones born just before the Drought, who must bear the hopes and traditions of their nations if the queendoms are to survive.
'The Five Queendoms: Scorpica' tells a story of courage, resilience, and the fight for survival. With an intriguing mix of fantasy elements and relatable themes, this book will appeal to fans of strong female protagonists and immersive world-building. The striking ISBN 9781789099324 ensures you have the authentic copy that will transport you to a realm of magic and conflict! Don't miss out on this spectacular addition to your fantasy collection!
Note: Shipping for this item is free. Please allow up to 6 weeks for delivery. Once your order is placed, it cannot be cancelled. Condition: BRAND NEW.
Note: Shipping for this item is free. Please allow up to 6 weeks for delivery. Once your order is placed, it cannot be cancelled.
Condition: BRAND NEW
ISBN: 9781789099324
Year: 2022
Publisher: Titan Publishing Group
Five hundred years of peace between queendoms shatters when girls inexplicably stop being born. As the Drought of Girls stretches across a generation, it sets off a cascade of political and personal consequences across all five queendoms of the known world, throwing long-standing alliances into disarray as each queendom begins to turn on each other — and new threats to each nation rise from within.
Uniting the stories of women from across the queendoms, this propulsive, gripping epic fantasy follows a warrior queen who must rise from childbirth bed to fight for her life and her throne, a healer in hiding desperate to protect the secret of her daughter’s explosive power, a queen whose desperation to retain control leads her to risk using the darkest magic, a near-immortal sorcerer demigod powerful enough to remake the world for her own ends — and the generation of lastborn girls, the ones born just before the Drought, who must bear the hopes and traditions of their nations if the queendoms are to survive.