Discover 'The Fairies' Path: Fate: The Winx Saga #1', an enchanting young adult novel that reimagines the beloved Winx Club animated series. This brand-new tale unfolds at Alfea International School, a magical institution where students from the Otherworld master their powers and embark on a transformative journey of self-discovery. Experience the thrilling adventures of five extraordinary roommates: Aisha, the water-controlling athlete; Terra, the nature-loving overachiever; Musa, the introverted empath; Stella, the light-wielding princess; and Bloom, the fiery outsider from the human world. Together, they navigate the complexities of friendship and magic while facing a resurrected ancient evil that threatens their realm. With 336 pages of captivating storytelling, this novel not only retells the first season of the Netflix series but also includes exciting bonus scenes and deeper character backgrounds. Perfect for fans of fantasy and young adult fiction, 'The Fairies' Path' invites readers to immerse themselves in a world of magical realism and emotional growth. ORDER NOW and step into this magical adventure that's sure to ignite your imagination. Fast delivery available to your door!
ISBN: 9781338692266
Number of Pages 336
Don't miss this bold new reinvention of the classic animated Winx Club series! This is the first YA novel based on the new NETFLIX series Fate: The Winx Saga. It is a retelling of the first season packed with bonus scenes and character backstory not seen on the show. At the Alfea... International School, students come from all over the Otherworld to train. To learn magic. To discover how to control their powers. Inside the school's castle, five students-complete strangers-are assigned as roommates: Aisha is an athlete and a classic overachiever whose control over water is the envy of her fellow students. Terra is an awkward do-gooder whose power over the natural world can overwhelm rivals unexpectedly. Musa is an introvert who keeps to herself so her mind isn't overwhelmed by the emotions of those around her. Stella is a princess - yes, a real princess - whose command over light inspires but also intimidates. And then there's Bloom, the outsider, the girl from the human world whose power over fire almost destroyed her family. These five teenagers want what every teenager wants . . . to figure out who they are. To make friends. To fit in at their new school. But when an ancient, long-vanquished evil suddenly resurfaces outside the castle walls, these five teenagers be forced to put their powers to the test. And they'll discover a secret so powerful, it will challenge everything they know about the Otherworld . . . and themselves.Read less
ISBN: 9781338692266
Number of Pages 336
Don't miss this bold new reinvention of the classic animated Winx Club series! This is the first YA novel based on the new NETFLIX series Fate: The Winx Saga. It is a retelling of the first season packed with bonus scenes and character backstory not seen on the show. At the Alfea... International School, students come from all over the Otherworld to train. To learn magic. To discover how to control their powers. Inside the school's castle, five students-complete strangers-are assigned as roommates: Aisha is an athlete and a classic overachiever whose control over water is the envy of her fellow students. Terra is an awkward do-gooder whose power over the natural world can overwhelm rivals unexpectedly. Musa is an introvert who keeps to herself so her mind isn't overwhelmed by the emotions of those around her. Stella is a princess - yes, a real princess - whose command over light inspires but also intimidates. And then there's Bloom, the outsider, the girl from the human world whose power over fire almost destroyed her family. These five teenagers want what every teenager wants . . . to figure out who they are. To make friends. To fit in at their new school. But when an ancient, long-vanquished evil suddenly resurfaces outside the castle walls, these five teenagers be forced to put their powers to the test. And they'll discover a secret so powerful, it will challenge everything they know about the Otherworld . . . and themselves.Read less