Explore the gripping narrative of 'The Eye of the Beholder', a nail-biting thriller that presents a poignant story about three women navigating the complexities of violence, trauma, and survival. This powerful novel invites readers deep into the intertwined lives of Cora, Freya, and Angel as they grapple with their haunting pasts amidst the dangerous landscapes of South Africa's scorched red soil, Canada’s frigid snowfields, and the mystical lochs of western Scotland. Each character harbors secrets and fears that threaten to unravel not only their lives but the lives of those around them. With elements of psychological suspense and emotional depth, this story explores themes of resilience, the consequences of male violence, and the choices one makes to protect their loved ones. The Eye of the Beholder, published in 2023 by A&U Canongate, is not just a book; it's a journey through fear, strength, and the quest for truth. Perfect for fans of powerful female protagonists and gritty thrillers, it shines a light on the complexities of familial bonds and the shadow of past traumas. Own your copy of this compelling novel today! We offer fast and reliable delivery options to ensure you receive your order promptly. Don't miss out on this unforgettable tale that examines the challenging dynamics of femininity and resilience.
Condition: BRAND NEW
ISBN: 9781838856878
Year: 2023
Publisher: A&U Canongate
When danger lies in the eye of the beholder, what happens when you reject its pull?Cora carries secrets her daughter can't know.Freya is frightened by what her mother leaves unsaid.Angel will only bury the past if it means putting her abusers into the ground.One act of violence sets the three women on a collision course, each desperate to find the truth. In a nail-biting thriller set between the scorched red soil of South Africa, the pitiless snowfields of Canada and the chilly lochsides of western Scotland, each woman must contend with the spectres of male violence, sexual abuse and the choices we each make to keep our souls.
Condition: BRAND NEW
ISBN: 9781838856878
Year: 2023
Publisher: A&U Canongate
When danger lies in the eye of the beholder, what happens when you reject its pull?Cora carries secrets her daughter can't know.Freya is frightened by what her mother leaves unsaid.Angel will only bury the past if it means putting her abusers into the ground.One act of violence sets the three women on a collision course, each desperate to find the truth. In a nail-biting thriller set between the scorched red soil of South Africa, the pitiless snowfields of Canada and the chilly lochsides of western Scotland, each woman must contend with the spectres of male violence, sexual abuse and the choices we each make to keep our souls.