Discover the gripping narrative of 'The Duchess of Angus', a powerful coming-of-age novel by Margaret Brown Kilik, recently brought to light after decades of obscurity. Set against the backdrop of wartime San Antonio, this poignant tale unveils the emotional and sexual challenges faced by young women as they navigate a turbulent world. With its stark portrayal of the struggles and triumphs of protagonist Jane Davis, this book is an essential addition to any collection focused on classic and contemporary feminist literature.
'The Duchess of Angus' immerses readers in a vivid recounting of Kilik's experiences, shaped by her unconventional upbringing in the 1930s. As Jane grapples with her identity and the duality of desire—where liberation may often lead to subjugation—the story draws parallels with renowned works such as Sylvia Plath's 'The Bell Jar' and Emma Cline's 'The Girls'. Shining a light on themes of friendship and self-discovery, the novel resonates with the modern reader while maintaining its historical roots.
This trade paperback edition, published by Trinity University Press in 2020, is in brand new condition and includes stirring contextual essays from notable authors such as Jenny Davidson, Laura Hernandez-Ehrisma, and Char Miller, providing deeper insights into Kilik's profound narrative.
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Note: Shipping for this item is free. Please allow up to 6 weeks for delivery. Once your order is placed, it cannot be cancelled.
Condition: BRAND NEW
ISBN: 9781595349071
Format: Trade paperback (US)
Year: 2020
Publisher: Trinity University Press
Written in the 1950s and discovered by family members years after her death, Margaret Brown Kilik's shocking coming-of-age novel of the emotional and sexual brutality of young women's lives in wartime San Antonio deserves a place on the shelf alongside classic novels like Sylvia Plath's The Bell Jar and Carson McCullers's The Member of the Wedding.
The Duchess of Angus reworks Kilik's unusual personal history (her mother spent the 1930s running flophouse hotels all over the United States, leaving Margaret to be brought up by a host of relatives) into a riveting portrait of a young woman navigating a conflicted and rapidly changing world, one in which sex promises both freedom from convention and violent subjection to men's will. Strikingly modern in its depiction of protagonist Jane Davis and her gorgeous, unreadable friend Wade Howell, The Duchess of Angus covers some of the same emotional territory as novels like Emma Cline's The Girls and Robyn Wasserman's Girls on Fire.
Includes an introduction by Jenny Davidson and contextual essays by Laura Hernandez-Ehrisma and Char Miller.
'The Duchess of Angus' immerses readers in a vivid recounting of Kilik's experiences, shaped by her unconventional upbringing in the 1930s. As Jane grapples with her identity and the duality of desire—where liberation may often lead to subjugation—the story draws parallels with renowned works such as Sylvia Plath's 'The Bell Jar' and Emma Cline's 'The Girls'. Shining a light on themes of friendship and self-discovery, the novel resonates with the modern reader while maintaining its historical roots.
This trade paperback edition, published by Trinity University Press in 2020, is in brand new condition and includes stirring contextual essays from notable authors such as Jenny Davidson, Laura Hernandez-Ehrisma, and Char Miller, providing deeper insights into Kilik's profound narrative.
Shipping for this item is free, and delivery may take up to 6 weeks. Please note that once your order is placed, it cannot be cancelled.
Note: Shipping for this item is free. Please allow up to 6 weeks for delivery. Once your order is placed, it cannot be cancelled.
Condition: BRAND NEW
ISBN: 9781595349071
Format: Trade paperback (US)
Year: 2020
Publisher: Trinity University Press
Written in the 1950s and discovered by family members years after her death, Margaret Brown Kilik's shocking coming-of-age novel of the emotional and sexual brutality of young women's lives in wartime San Antonio deserves a place on the shelf alongside classic novels like Sylvia Plath's The Bell Jar and Carson McCullers's The Member of the Wedding.
The Duchess of Angus reworks Kilik's unusual personal history (her mother spent the 1930s running flophouse hotels all over the United States, leaving Margaret to be brought up by a host of relatives) into a riveting portrait of a young woman navigating a conflicted and rapidly changing world, one in which sex promises both freedom from convention and violent subjection to men's will. Strikingly modern in its depiction of protagonist Jane Davis and her gorgeous, unreadable friend Wade Howell, The Duchess of Angus covers some of the same emotional territory as novels like Emma Cline's The Girls and Robyn Wasserman's Girls on Fire.
Includes an introduction by Jenny Davidson and contextual essays by Laura Hernandez-Ehrisma and Char Miller.