Discover the enchanting tale of Paul, a spirited youth struggling to connect with his Italian heritage while grappling with his grandfather, Nonno. In this compelling coming-of-age story, Paul seeks to escape the weight of tradition in favor of friends, fast cars, and go-carts. Yet, beneath Nonno’s seemingly embarrassing behavior lies a treasure trove of wisdom and captivating stories from the past. As Nonno's mind fades, Paul is forced to confront the deeper meanings of family love and loyalty. This beautifully written novel invites readers to reflect on their own familial relationships and the legacies we inherit. With 208 pages filled with emotional depth, this B-format paperback published by Penguin Australia Pty Ltd in 2001 is a must-read for lovers of heartfelt fiction. Perfect for those interested in stories about family connections, cultural identity, and personal growth, this book brings forth a universal message about embracing our past while forging our own paths. Great for reading groups and individual reflection, this story is as timely today as when it was first published. Order now and explore the compelling dynamics of intergenerational relationships in this inspiring narrative that resonates deeply with anyone seeking meaning in family ties. Fast shipping available, ensuring you receive your order promptly.
Condition: BRAND NEW
ISBN: 9780141313344
Format: B-format paperback
Year: 2001
Publisher: Penguin Australia Pty Ltd
Pages: 208
Paul is trying to escape. He's trying to escape from an Italian heritage that just doesn't seem to have relevance for him any more, and he's trying to escape from his nonno. They come from two different worlds, he and his grandfather, and Paul is more interested in his own world - his friends, the girls, the fast cars, the go-carts - than Nonno's strange and embarrassing behaviour. Nonno is more than just a silly old man getting in the way of Paul's lifestyle, though. Nonno has more stories to tell than Paul can even begin to imagine. But there is one big problem - Nonno is losing his mind. From the author of the highly successful Sparring with Shadows comes an irresistible, inspiring and brilliantly evocative story of family love, loyalty and wisdom.
Condition: BRAND NEW
ISBN: 9780141313344
Format: B-format paperback
Year: 2001
Publisher: Penguin Australia Pty Ltd
Pages: 208
Paul is trying to escape. He's trying to escape from an Italian heritage that just doesn't seem to have relevance for him any more, and he's trying to escape from his nonno. They come from two different worlds, he and his grandfather, and Paul is more interested in his own world - his friends, the girls, the fast cars, the go-carts - than Nonno's strange and embarrassing behaviour. Nonno is more than just a silly old man getting in the way of Paul's lifestyle, though. Nonno has more stories to tell than Paul can even begin to imagine. But there is one big problem - Nonno is losing his mind. From the author of the highly successful Sparring with Shadows comes an irresistible, inspiring and brilliantly evocative story of family love, loyalty and wisdom.