Discover the whimsical world of 'The Day Santa Stopped Believing in Harold,' a delightful picture book that captures every child's pivotal moment of Santa doubt. This enchanting story, published in 2020 by RANDOM HOUSE US, follows Santa's hilarious journey as he questions the existence of his favorite Christmas companion, Harold. With vibrant illustrations and a captivating storyline, this book is perfect for families looking to embrace the magic of Christmas while tackling the humorous uncertainties of childhood. Santa's determination to validate Harold's existence leads to unexpected and laugh-out-loud situations, reminding readers about the importance of belief and imagination. Perfect for children aged 4-8, this 32-page picture book will be a cherished addition to your holiday reading list. Ensure your little ones experience the joy and laughter that comes with the true spirit of Christmas by adding this title to their bookshelves. Whether it's reading it at bedtime or sharing it during festive gatherings, 'The Day Santa Stopped Believing in Harold' is sure to delight and entertain. Get ready for an unforgettable holiday adventure that skillfully blends humor and heart. Order now and gift your kids the magic of Christmas with this must-have picture book!
Condition: BRAND NEW
ISBN: 9780735268708
Format: Picture book
Year: 2020
Pages: 32
A hilarious send-up of every kid's moment of Santa doubt.
Santa has a problem. This kid? Harold? Santa doesn't think he's real. He WANTS to believe in Harold--after all, Harold is one of the most magical parts of Christmas. Getting Harold's letters, eating the cookies he leaves out, feeding his carrots to the reindeer... what would Christmas be without that? But Santa's just not sure. Some of his friends are telling him they think Harold's not real. And the Harold that sat on his knee last Christmas looked AWFULLY different. Santa comes up with a plan to find out once and for all if Harold really exists... with hilarious consequences.
Condition: BRAND NEW
ISBN: 9780735268708
Format: Picture book
Year: 2020
Pages: 32
A hilarious send-up of every kid's moment of Santa doubt.
Santa has a problem. This kid? Harold? Santa doesn't think he's real. He WANTS to believe in Harold--after all, Harold is one of the most magical parts of Christmas. Getting Harold's letters, eating the cookies he leaves out, feeding his carrots to the reindeer... what would Christmas be without that? But Santa's just not sure. Some of his friends are telling him they think Harold's not real. And the Harold that sat on his knee last Christmas looked AWFULLY different. Santa comes up with a plan to find out once and for all if Harold really exists... with hilarious consequences.