Discover the enchanting world of Frankie Finkleton in 'The Day I Got Trapped in My Brain' (Paperback). Join eleven-year-old Frankie, who has a BIG secret (or rather, lots of secrets!). She's not just a regular girl; she has a magical inner world named Thoughtopolis, a place filled with quirky adventures and whimsical characters. Meet her brother Fred, her baby sister Flo (her arch-nemesis), and her adorably peculiar dog, Blue, who has giant eyeballs and tiny nostrils. Together, they explore a fantastic realm that lives inside Frankie's mind, venturing through halls that twist and turn like a wondrous maze. One day, however, Frankie finds herself trapped in Thoughtopolis, facing the challenge of uncovering a secret buried deep within her magical brain. As Frankie embarks on this thrilling quest, she must navigate strange lands and confront unexpected truths that could change everything about her world. Will her desire to return to the Real World outweigh the excitement of her hidden realities? This captivating children's book unleashes the power of imagination and the journey of self-discovery, making it perfect for kids aged 8-12 who love adventure stories. Grab your copy of 'The Day I Got Trapped in My Brain' today and join Frankie on her unforgettable journey!
Meet Frankie Finkleton. Age 11 and one-twelfth, Frankie has a BIG secret! Well, lots of secrets, actually: 1. She has a brother called Fred who is the Best Invention Ever, and a baby sister called Flo who is her arch-nemesis. 2. She has a dog named Blue who has giant eyeballs and... tiny nostrils. 3. Oh ... And she's a teensy-weensy, squinchy bit magic! Frankie has a world inside her head called Thoughtopolis - you just go through the eyeball, right at the skull, past the brain stuff, and then second door on the right! It's great fun, full of weird-and-wonderful places and creatures, and together, she, Fred and Blue go on adventures. Until one day, Frankie gets trapped, and has to uncover a secret hidden deep within if she is to get back to the Real World. But when the truth changes everything, will Frankie want to go back? Help!Read less
Meet Frankie Finkleton. Age 11 and one-twelfth, Frankie has a BIG secret! Well, lots of secrets, actually: 1. She has a brother called Fred who is the Best Invention Ever, and a baby sister called Flo who is her arch-nemesis. 2. She has a dog named Blue who has giant eyeballs and... tiny nostrils. 3. Oh ... And she's a teensy-weensy, squinchy bit magic! Frankie has a world inside her head called Thoughtopolis - you just go through the eyeball, right at the skull, past the brain stuff, and then second door on the right! It's great fun, full of weird-and-wonderful places and creatures, and together, she, Fred and Blue go on adventures. Until one day, Frankie gets trapped, and has to uncover a secret hidden deep within if she is to get back to the Real World. But when the truth changes everything, will Frankie want to go back? Help!Read less