Discover the thrilling adventure within the pages of this captivating graphic novel, ideal for young readers and creature enthusiasts alike. In this richly illustrated masterpiece by Brezenoff, Steve, featuring the stunning artwork of Bustamante, Martin, two brave friends embark on an unforgettable field trip. They stumble upon a hidden door that leads them into an ancient library filled with mystery and suspense. Strange snarls echo through the maze of shelves, creating a spine-tingling atmosphere. Just when they think they can find a way out, they encounter the enigmatic Archivist—the keeper of this peculiar collection of legendary monsters. Join them as they navigate this gripping tale of courage and camaraderie, where centuries-old tales come to life and powerful creatures spring from the pages. Will the Librarian come to their aid and help them escape from the clutches of the terrifying creatures? This 32-page graphic novel, published by Capstone Press, combines an engaging narrative with full-color illustrations to create an immersive reading experience. Perfect for educators and parents looking to spark a love of reading and adventure in children. Delivery options available. Grab your copy of this unique graphic novel and delve into the Library of Doom today, exploring the fascinating world of legendary creatures!
By Brezenoff, Steve
Illustrated by Bustamante, Martin
Condition: BRAND NEW
Format: Paperback
Number of Pages 32
Publisher Capstone Press
On a field trip two friends discover a hidden door that leads into an ancient library. Strange snarls echo in the maze of shelves. Just as the pair searches for the exit they come face-to-face with the collection's keeper the Archivist This rogue librarian gathers tales of the world's oldest most terrifying creatures. Now she's releasing the legendary monsters to take care of the intruders. Can the powerful Librarian swoop in to help the friends escape Experience the Library of Doom like never before in this gripping full-color graphic novel
By Brezenoff, Steve
Illustrated by Bustamante, Martin
Condition: BRAND NEW
Format: Paperback
Number of Pages 32
Publisher Capstone Press
On a field trip two friends discover a hidden door that leads into an ancient library. Strange snarls echo in the maze of shelves. Just as the pair searches for the exit they come face-to-face with the collection's keeper the Archivist This rogue librarian gathers tales of the world's oldest most terrifying creatures. Now she's releasing the legendary monsters to take care of the intruders. Can the powerful Librarian swoop in to help the friends escape Experience the Library of Doom like never before in this gripping full-color graphic novel