Discover the enchanting world of 'The Complete Father Brown Stories', featuring the beloved clerical detective created by G.K. Chesterton. This comprehensive collection, published by Penguin UK, includes all the captivating tales of Father Brown, a character whose charming humility and profound insights lead him through intricate murder mysteries. With a face likened to a Norfolk dumpling, Father Brown's unassuming nature belies his remarkable deductive skills, making each story a delightful exploration of human behavior and morality. Introduced by Michael D. Hurley, this B-format paperback edition is a treasure for mystery lovers and fans of classic literature alike. Included are tales such as 'The Donnington Affair' and 'The Mask of Midas', adding depth to your reading experience with stories once lost to time. With 864 pages of engaging detective fiction, immerse yourself in the intricacies of crime and the beauty of Chesterton’s writing. Perfect for those who appreciate clever plotting and rich character development, this book serves as an ideal gift for literary enthusiasts and a must-have addition to your bookshelf. Experience the full range of Father Brown's adventures, where every crime is viewed as a work of art and every perpetrator understood as a fellow human being. Shipping is swift and efficient, ensuring that your reading journey begins without delay. Order now to enjoy this classic collection and delve into the world of Father Brown today!
Condition: BRAND NEW
ISBN: 9780141193854
Format: B-format paperback
Year: 2012
Publisher: Penguin UK
Pages: 864
The adventures of the well-loved clerical sleuth, collected in a single volume and introduced by Michael D. Hurley
Shabby and lumbering, with a face like a Norfolk dumpling, Father Brown makes for an improbable super-sleuth. But his innocence is the secret of his success- refusing the scientific method of detection, he adopts instead an approach of simple sympathy, interpreting each crime as a work of art, and each criminal as a man no worse than himself. This complete edition brings together all of the Father Brown stories, including two not previously available in Penguin- 'The Donnington Affair', in which Chesterton rises to the challenge of solving a murder-mystery half written by someone else (Max Pemberton), and 'The Mask of Midas', which was found in Chesterton's papers after his death.
Condition: BRAND NEW
ISBN: 9780141193854
Format: B-format paperback
Year: 2012
Publisher: Penguin UK
Pages: 864
The adventures of the well-loved clerical sleuth, collected in a single volume and introduced by Michael D. Hurley
Shabby and lumbering, with a face like a Norfolk dumpling, Father Brown makes for an improbable super-sleuth. But his innocence is the secret of his success- refusing the scientific method of detection, he adopts instead an approach of simple sympathy, interpreting each crime as a work of art, and each criminal as a man no worse than himself. This complete edition brings together all of the Father Brown stories, including two not previously available in Penguin- 'The Donnington Affair', in which Chesterton rises to the challenge of solving a murder-mystery half written by someone else (Max Pemberton), and 'The Mask of Midas', which was found in Chesterton's papers after his death.