Embark on a thrilling adventure with 'The Cloud Searchers: Amulet Book 3,' the captivating installment in the beloved Amulet graphic novel series by Kazu Kibuishi. In this enchanting tale, Emily, Navin, and their brave team of resistance fighters take to the skies aboard an airship, setting off on a quest to find Cielis – a legendary city said to be hidden on an island high above the clouds. With the enigmatic Leon Redbeard serving as their guide, the stakes grow higher as surprising twists and new characters enter the scene, including the Elf King's son, Trellis. Is he a friend or foe? Will Emily learn to trust the Amulet's voice in this fast-paced narrative filled with magic, danger, and friendship? Perfect for fans of graphic novels and epic fantasy, 'The Cloud Searchers' explores themes of loyalty, courage, and the quest for identity. With stunning illustrations and an engaging plot, this third book in the Amulet series is a must-have addition to your collection. Ideal for children and young adults who love adventure and fantasy storytelling, this paperback edition is in brand new condition and published by Scholastic Inc. Get ready to join the adventure in the world of Amulet and uncover the mysteries that lie above the clouds! Delivery is prompt and reliable, ensuring your new favorite book arrives quickly. Don’t miss your chance to dive into this fantasy epic today!
ISBN: 9780545208857
Number of Pages 208
In the third installment of the thrilling Amulet series, Emily, Navin, and their crew of resistance fighters charter an airship and set off in search of Cielis, a mythical city believed to be located on an island high above the clouds. The mysterious Leon Redbeard is their guide,... and there's a surprising new addition to the crew: the Elf King's son, Trellis. But is he ally or enemy? And will Emily ever be able to trust the voice of the Amulet?Read less
ISBN: 9780545208857
Number of Pages 208
In the third installment of the thrilling Amulet series, Emily, Navin, and their crew of resistance fighters charter an airship and set off in search of Cielis, a mythical city believed to be located on an island high above the clouds. The mysterious Leon Redbeard is their guide,... and there's a surprising new addition to the crew: the Elf King's son, Trellis. But is he ally or enemy? And will Emily ever be able to trust the voice of the Amulet?Read less