Step right up to 'The Circus Train Conspiracy,' the thrilling 14th installment in the Railway Detective series! This captivating historical mystery, set against the backdrop of the glamorous Moscardi Circus, takes you on an adventure filled with intrigue and suspense. As the circus travels by train to their next show in Newcastle, chaos erupts when a collision on the tracks sends passengers and animals alike into a whirlwind of panic. The narrative intensifies when the body of a woman is discovered in nearby woodland, leading Inspector Colbeck to uncover a potential conspiracy targeting the Moscardi Circus.
With a compelling plot filled with twists and turns, 'The Circus Train Conspiracy' will keep you guessing till the last page. Join Inspector Colbeck as he navigates a web of mystery, examining the intrigue behind the veil of the circus, and discover the secrets hidden within the train. Ideal for fans of historical fiction and mystery novels, this book promises an enthralling reading experience.
This BRAND NEW edition features 352 pages of gripping storytelling. Published in 2018 by Faber Factory, this captivating tale will not only entertain but also immerse you in the vibrant world of the circus. Don’t miss your chance to own this exciting addition to the Railway Detective collection! Enjoy fast delivery options to ensure you start reading it as soon as possible.
Condition: BRAND NEW
ISBN: 9780749021375
Year: 2018
Publisher: Faber Factory
Pages: 352
Following a string of successful performances, the Moscardi Circus is travelling
by train to Newcastle for their next show. Yet a collision on the track with a
couple of sleepers causes pandemonium: passengers thrown about and animals
escaping into the night.
When the body of a woman is discovered in nearby woodland, Inspector Colbeck
is desperate to lend assistance, believing the two incidents might be connected.
Who is the nameless woman and who is targeting the Moscardi's Magnificent
With a compelling plot filled with twists and turns, 'The Circus Train Conspiracy' will keep you guessing till the last page. Join Inspector Colbeck as he navigates a web of mystery, examining the intrigue behind the veil of the circus, and discover the secrets hidden within the train. Ideal for fans of historical fiction and mystery novels, this book promises an enthralling reading experience.
This BRAND NEW edition features 352 pages of gripping storytelling. Published in 2018 by Faber Factory, this captivating tale will not only entertain but also immerse you in the vibrant world of the circus. Don’t miss your chance to own this exciting addition to the Railway Detective collection! Enjoy fast delivery options to ensure you start reading it as soon as possible.
Condition: BRAND NEW
ISBN: 9780749021375
Year: 2018
Publisher: Faber Factory
Pages: 352
Following a string of successful performances, the Moscardi Circus is travelling
by train to Newcastle for their next show. Yet a collision on the track with a
couple of sleepers causes pandemonium: passengers thrown about and animals
escaping into the night.
When the body of a woman is discovered in nearby woodland, Inspector Colbeck
is desperate to lend assistance, believing the two incidents might be connected.
Who is the nameless woman and who is targeting the Moscardi's Magnificent