Discover Ian McEwan’s critically acclaimed novel, The Children Act, a compelling exploration of morality, justice, and humanity. Set in the heart of the British legal system, this emotionally gripping story follows Fiona Maye, a distinguished High Court judge, as she grapples with a heart-wrenching decision involving a seventeen-year-old boy who refuses life-saving medical treatment due to his religious beliefs. With 224 pages of profound narrative, this B-format paperback edition, published by Random House UK in 2015, promises to engage readers with its intricate character development and ethical dilemmas.
As Fiona visits the boy in the hospital, both are confronted with feelings that will alter their lives forever. The Children Act dissects the balance between personal beliefs and professional responsibilities, making it a perfect read for fans of thought-provoking literature. Join the ranks of readers who have lauded McEwan’s masterful storytelling, noted for its emotional depth and intellectual rigor.
Perfect for book clubs and individuals alike, this new series edition breathes fresh life into a modern classic. Delve into the complexities of duty, faith, and personal sacrifice in an era where such issues resonate more than ever. With a powerful plot that keeps you on the edge of your seat, The Children Act is a must-have for any literary collection.
Shop now and enjoy fast nationwide delivery. Order your copy today and immerse yourself in Ian McEwan’s incredible narrative.
Condition: BRAND NEW
ISBN: 9780099599630
Format: B-format paperback
Year: 2015
Pages: 224
Re-jacketed in stunning new series style, The Children Act is a brilliant, emotionally wrenching novel from the Booker prize-winning, Sunday Times-bestselling Ian McEwan
A brilliant, emotionally wrenching new novel from the author of Atonement and Amsterdam.
Fiona Maye, a leading High Court judge, renowned for her fierce intelligence and sensitivity is called on to try an urgent case. For religious reasons, a seventeen-year-old boy is refusing the medical treatment that could save his life. Time is running out.
She visits the boy in hospital - an encounter which stirs long-buried feelings in her and powerful new emotions in the boy. But it is Fiona who must ultimately decide whether he lives or dies and her judgement will have momentous consequences for them both.
As Fiona visits the boy in the hospital, both are confronted with feelings that will alter their lives forever. The Children Act dissects the balance between personal beliefs and professional responsibilities, making it a perfect read for fans of thought-provoking literature. Join the ranks of readers who have lauded McEwan’s masterful storytelling, noted for its emotional depth and intellectual rigor.
Perfect for book clubs and individuals alike, this new series edition breathes fresh life into a modern classic. Delve into the complexities of duty, faith, and personal sacrifice in an era where such issues resonate more than ever. With a powerful plot that keeps you on the edge of your seat, The Children Act is a must-have for any literary collection.
Shop now and enjoy fast nationwide delivery. Order your copy today and immerse yourself in Ian McEwan’s incredible narrative.
Condition: BRAND NEW
ISBN: 9780099599630
Format: B-format paperback
Year: 2015
Pages: 224
Re-jacketed in stunning new series style, The Children Act is a brilliant, emotionally wrenching novel from the Booker prize-winning, Sunday Times-bestselling Ian McEwan
A brilliant, emotionally wrenching new novel from the author of Atonement and Amsterdam.
Fiona Maye, a leading High Court judge, renowned for her fierce intelligence and sensitivity is called on to try an urgent case. For religious reasons, a seventeen-year-old boy is refusing the medical treatment that could save his life. Time is running out.
She visits the boy in hospital - an encounter which stirs long-buried feelings in her and powerful new emotions in the boy. But it is Fiona who must ultimately decide whether he lives or dies and her judgement will have momentous consequences for them both.