Discover the gripping tale in 'The Butcher's Boy', a thrilling crime novel published by Atlantic in 2023. In this chilling narrative, the protagonist is a skilled assassin, raised in a world where murder is second nature. His latest job becomes a turning point when he kills a high-profile target – the senior senator from Colorado. This audacious act draws unwelcome attention, putting him in the crosshairs of dedicated law enforcement specialists who monitor the sinister undercurrents of organized crime. As tension escalates, Elizabeth Waring, a brilliant analyst from the Justice Department, embarks on a dangerous quest to uncover the ominous truths behind the Butcher's Boy's actions and the shadowy figures he serves. This compelling murder mystery is perfect for fans of suspenseful thrillers, showcasing the intricate dance between crime and justice. With a vivid narrative enriched by a new introduction from bestselling author Michael Connelly, this page-turner promises to keep you on the edge of your seat. Delivered brand new with an ISBN of 9781804710272, this novel makes an excellent addition to your collection of thrilling reads. Don't miss your chance to explore the darker side of human nature with 'The Butcher's Boy'. Order now for fast delivery!
Condition: BRAND NEW
ISBN: 9781804710272
Year: 2023
Publisher: Atlantic
Murder has always been easy for the Butcher's Boy - it's what he was raised to do. But when he kills the senior senator from Colorado and arrives in Las Vegas to pick up his fee, he learns that he has become a liability to his shadowy employers. His actions attract the attention of police specialists who watch the world of organized crime, but though everyone knows that something big is going on, only Elizabeth Waring, a bright young analyst in the Justice Department, can work her way closer to the truth, and to the frightening man behind it.
Includes a new Introduction by bestselling author Michael Connelly.
Condition: BRAND NEW
ISBN: 9781804710272
Year: 2023
Publisher: Atlantic
Murder has always been easy for the Butcher's Boy - it's what he was raised to do. But when he kills the senior senator from Colorado and arrives in Las Vegas to pick up his fee, he learns that he has become a liability to his shadowy employers. His actions attract the attention of police specialists who watch the world of organized crime, but though everyone knows that something big is going on, only Elizabeth Waring, a bright young analyst in the Justice Department, can work her way closer to the truth, and to the frightening man behind it.
Includes a new Introduction by bestselling author Michael Connelly.