Discover the heartwarming and gripping tale of resilience in Padma Venkatraman's acclaimed novel. In this beautifully crafted story, young readers will be transported to the streets of Chennai, where life is a daily struggle for four homeless children who band together to survive. Viji and Rukku, two runaway sisters, find shelter beneath an abandoned bridge alongside Muthi and Arul, two other children who know the harsh realities of living without a home. As they navigate the dangers and challenges of their environment, the bond they form becomes their greatest strength. This middle-grade novel not only highlights the plight of millions of homeless children but also inspires with themes of hope, bravery, and the power of friendship. Featuring a compelling narrative that resonates with young audiences and adults alike, this trade paperback edition from Penguin Group USA is a must-read for those seeking stories of resilience and courage. With 208 pages of captivating prose and an ISBN of 9781524738136, this book is perfect for classroom discussions and personal reading alike. Order now to experience this powerful story that reminds us of the strength found in family, hope, and the fight for freedom. Take advantage of our fast shipping options for prompt delivery to your doorstep. Cover design may vary, adding an element of surprise to your purchase.
Condition: BRAND NEW
ISBN: 9781524738136
Format: Trade paperback (UK)
Year: 2020
Publisher: Penguin Group USA
Pages: 208
"Readers will be captivated by this beautifully written novel about young people who must use their instincts and grit to survive. Padma shares with us an unflinching peek into the reality millions of homeless children live every day but also infuses her story with hope and bravery that will inspire readers and stay with them long after turning the final page."--Aisha Saeed, author of the New York Times Bestselling Amal Unbound
Cover may vary.
Four determined homeless children make a life for themselves in Padma Venkatraman's stirring middle-grade debut.
Life is harsh in Chennai's teeming streets, so when runaway sisters Viji and Rukku arrive, their prospects look grim. Very quickly, eleven-year-old Viji discovers how vulnerable they are in this uncaring, dangerous world. Fortunately, the girls find shelter--and friendship--on an abandoned bridge. With two homeless boys, Muthi and Arul, the group forms a family of sorts. And while making a living scavenging the city's trash heaps is the pits, the kids find plenty to laugh about and take pride in too. After all, they are now the bosses of themselves and no longer dependent on untrustworthy adults. But when illness strikes, Viji must decide whether to risk seeking help from strangers or to keep holding on to their fragile, hard-fought freedom.
Condition: BRAND NEW
ISBN: 9781524738136
Format: Trade paperback (UK)
Year: 2020
Publisher: Penguin Group USA
Pages: 208
"Readers will be captivated by this beautifully written novel about young people who must use their instincts and grit to survive. Padma shares with us an unflinching peek into the reality millions of homeless children live every day but also infuses her story with hope and bravery that will inspire readers and stay with them long after turning the final page."--Aisha Saeed, author of the New York Times Bestselling Amal Unbound
Cover may vary.
Four determined homeless children make a life for themselves in Padma Venkatraman's stirring middle-grade debut.
Life is harsh in Chennai's teeming streets, so when runaway sisters Viji and Rukku arrive, their prospects look grim. Very quickly, eleven-year-old Viji discovers how vulnerable they are in this uncaring, dangerous world. Fortunately, the girls find shelter--and friendship--on an abandoned bridge. With two homeless boys, Muthi and Arul, the group forms a family of sorts. And while making a living scavenging the city's trash heaps is the pits, the kids find plenty to laugh about and take pride in too. After all, they are now the bosses of themselves and no longer dependent on untrustworthy adults. But when illness strikes, Viji must decide whether to risk seeking help from strangers or to keep holding on to their fragile, hard-fought freedom.