Embark on a mesmerizing journey with 'The Border Keeper', a captivating fantasy novel that intricately weaves elements of magic, mystery, and personal transformation. Set against the stunning backdrop of the nine hundred and ninety-nine realms of Mkalis, this tale explores the life of Vasethe, a man burdened by his past. In a world where gods and demons engage in eternal conflict, Vasethe seeks the enigmatic woman known as the end-of-the-line woman, a figure wrapped in legend and intrigue.
This beautifully imagined narrative dazzles with rich descriptions and surreal landscapes. Readers will find themselves drawn into the Byzantine bureaucracy of demon realms, traversing impossible oceans, and uncovering hidden fortresses amidst thrilling twists and turns. Beyond its epic scope, 'The Border Keeper' delves into deeply personal themes—motherhood, power, and the confrontation of secrets.
With its stunning prose, 'The Border Keeper' is not just a story; it’s a vivid experience that will linger long after the final page is turned. Embrace the magic of this brand new title from Tor Books, now available in a beautifully bound edition with 240 pages of enchanting storytelling.
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Note: Shipping for this item is free. Please allow up to 6 weeks for delivery. Once your order is placed, it cannot be cancelled.
Condition: BRAND NEW
ISBN: 9781250209412
Year: 2019
Publisher: Tor Books
Pages: 240
"Beautifully and vividly imagined. Eerie, lovely, and surreal"—Ann Leckie
"She lived where the railway tracks met the saltpan, on the Ahri side of the shadowline. In the old days, when people still talked about her, she was known as the end-of-the-line woman.
Vasethe, a man with a troubled past, comes to seek a favor from a woman who is not what she seems, and must enter the nine hundred and ninety-nine realms of Mkalis, the world of spirits, where gods and demons wage endless war.
The Border Keeper spins wonders both epic—the Byzantine bureaucracy of hundreds of demon realms, impossible oceans, hidden fortresses—and devastatingly personal—a spear flung straight, the profound terror and power of motherhood. What Vasethe discovers in Mkalis threatens to bring his own secrets into light, and throw both worlds into chaos.
This beautifully imagined narrative dazzles with rich descriptions and surreal landscapes. Readers will find themselves drawn into the Byzantine bureaucracy of demon realms, traversing impossible oceans, and uncovering hidden fortresses amidst thrilling twists and turns. Beyond its epic scope, 'The Border Keeper' delves into deeply personal themes—motherhood, power, and the confrontation of secrets.
With its stunning prose, 'The Border Keeper' is not just a story; it’s a vivid experience that will linger long after the final page is turned. Embrace the magic of this brand new title from Tor Books, now available in a beautifully bound edition with 240 pages of enchanting storytelling.
Note: Shipping for this item is free. Please allow up to 6 weeks for delivery. Once your order is placed, it cannot be cancelled.
Note: Shipping for this item is free. Please allow up to 6 weeks for delivery. Once your order is placed, it cannot be cancelled.
Condition: BRAND NEW
ISBN: 9781250209412
Year: 2019
Publisher: Tor Books
Pages: 240
"Beautifully and vividly imagined. Eerie, lovely, and surreal"—Ann Leckie
"She lived where the railway tracks met the saltpan, on the Ahri side of the shadowline. In the old days, when people still talked about her, she was known as the end-of-the-line woman.
Vasethe, a man with a troubled past, comes to seek a favor from a woman who is not what she seems, and must enter the nine hundred and ninety-nine realms of Mkalis, the world of spirits, where gods and demons wage endless war.
The Border Keeper spins wonders both epic—the Byzantine bureaucracy of hundreds of demon realms, impossible oceans, hidden fortresses—and devastatingly personal—a spear flung straight, the profound terror and power of motherhood. What Vasethe discovers in Mkalis threatens to bring his own secrets into light, and throw both worlds into chaos.