Discover the gripping tale within 'The Black Ghost', an original graphic novel crafted by the talented duo Alex Segura (Silent City) and Monica Gallagher. This brand new trade paperback captures the essence of corruption and justice in a way that will keep you on the edge of your seat. The story revolves around Lara Dominguez, a dedicated Creighton cops reporter who becomes entangled with her city's elusive vigilante, the Black Ghost. As she collaborates with a mysterious cyber-informant known as LONE, Lara inches closer to the truth behind the Ghost's identity. However, delving into this dark world means navigating her own personal demons and uncovering layers of corruption in the city she loves. Will she rise to become part of the solution or descend into chaos herself? Collecting the first five issues of the acclaimed Black Ghost series, this paperback edition is a must-have for graphic novel enthusiasts seeking stories rich in plot and character development. Perfect for fans of crime drama and those intrigued by themes of justice, heroism, and ethical dilemmas, 'The Black Ghost' showcases stunning artwork and complex narrative that will resonate with readers. Order now and dive into this captivating world where the fight between good and evil blurs. Delivery information: This item ships brand new and is expected to arrive at your doorstep swiftly so you can indulge in your new favorite read as soon as possible.
Condition: BRAND NEW
ISBN: 9781506724461
Format: Trade paperback (UK)
Year: 2021
Pages: 136
From Alex Segura (Silent City) and Monica Gallagher comes a new original graphic novel about corruption and justice.
From Alex Segura (Silent City) and Monica Gallagher comes a new original graphic novel about corruption and justice.
Meet Lara Dominguez--a troubled Creighton cops reporter obsessed with the city's debonair vigilante--the Black Ghost. With the help of a mysterious cyber-informant named LONE, Lara's inched closer to uncovering the Ghost's identity. But as she searched for the breakthrough story she desperately needs, Lara will have to navigate the corruption of her city, the uncertainties of virtue, and her own personal demons. Will she have the strength to be part of the solution--or will she become the problem?
Collects Black Ghost series one, #1-#5 in print for the first time.
Condition: BRAND NEW
ISBN: 9781506724461
Format: Trade paperback (UK)
Year: 2021
Pages: 136
From Alex Segura (Silent City) and Monica Gallagher comes a new original graphic novel about corruption and justice.
From Alex Segura (Silent City) and Monica Gallagher comes a new original graphic novel about corruption and justice.
Meet Lara Dominguez--a troubled Creighton cops reporter obsessed with the city's debonair vigilante--the Black Ghost. With the help of a mysterious cyber-informant named LONE, Lara's inched closer to uncovering the Ghost's identity. But as she searched for the breakthrough story she desperately needs, Lara will have to navigate the corruption of her city, the uncertainties of virtue, and her own personal demons. Will she have the strength to be part of the solution--or will she become the problem?
Collects Black Ghost series one, #1-#5 in print for the first time.