Discover the gripping thriller, The Annihilation Protocol, where FBI Special Agent James Mason faces a shadowy syndicate known as the Thirteen. This meticulously crafted narrative plunges you into a world where conspiracies run deep and a powerful threat looms over humanity. With 448 immersive pages, this gripping trade paperback invites you to accompany Mason and his trusted allies as they race against time to thwart a lethal nerve gas plot capable of annihilating entire cities. Recently published by St Martins Press in 2020, the book explores themes of trust, betrayal, and the lengths one must go to protect millions. Delving into a complex web of intrigue, The Annihilation Protocol will keep you on the edge of your seat, combining suspense with a deeply personal story. The unique elements woven into the narrative—mysterious messages, personal stakes, and action-packed sequences—ensure that readers are drawn into the heart of the thriller. Available in brand new condition, this UK edition is perfect for avid readers and collectors alike. Don't miss your chance to experience a story where every turn could lead to disaster. Order now and take advantage of free shipping! Please allow up to 6 weeks for delivery. Note: Once your order is placed, it cannot be cancelled.
Note: Shipping for this item is free. Please allow up to 6 weeks for delivery. Once your order is placed, it cannot be cancelled.
Condition: BRAND NEW
ISBN: 9781250158512
Format: Trade paperback (UK)
Year: 2020
Publisher: St Martins Press
Pages: 448
For centuries, a mysterious syndicate known as the Thirteen has staged a silent coup, infiltrating governments and manipulating the course of world events. It’s more powerful than any nation, deadlier than any army. The time has come for it to emerge from the shadows and claim the entire world as its own. And only FBI Special Agent James Mason and his longtime friends stand in its way.
After narrowly preventing a global pandemic, Mason and his team discover an even deadlier threat has already been set into motion. An unknown adversary has produced enough of a lethal nerve gas to wipe every major city off the face of the world, and their only clue to finding it lies in a cryptic message written in the blood of a man found entombed behind a concrete wall. It isn’t until another victim appears—right in the heart of Central Park—that Mason realizes the murders are personal in nature, and figuring out the connection between them is the key to averting catastrophe.
Eight million lives hang in the balance and their only chance of surviving lies in the hands of Mason, his old friends, and a new partner he’s not entirely sure he can trust. Can his team track down a sinister agent codenamed Scarecrow before toxic gas fills the streets of New York City, or will the true power pulling the strings from behind the scenes—the Thirteen—succeed in enacting its genocidal agenda?
Note: Shipping for this item is free. Please allow up to 6 weeks for delivery. Once your order is placed, it cannot be cancelled.
Condition: BRAND NEW
ISBN: 9781250158512
Format: Trade paperback (UK)
Year: 2020
Publisher: St Martins Press
Pages: 448
For centuries, a mysterious syndicate known as the Thirteen has staged a silent coup, infiltrating governments and manipulating the course of world events. It’s more powerful than any nation, deadlier than any army. The time has come for it to emerge from the shadows and claim the entire world as its own. And only FBI Special Agent James Mason and his longtime friends stand in its way.
After narrowly preventing a global pandemic, Mason and his team discover an even deadlier threat has already been set into motion. An unknown adversary has produced enough of a lethal nerve gas to wipe every major city off the face of the world, and their only clue to finding it lies in a cryptic message written in the blood of a man found entombed behind a concrete wall. It isn’t until another victim appears—right in the heart of Central Park—that Mason realizes the murders are personal in nature, and figuring out the connection between them is the key to averting catastrophe.
Eight million lives hang in the balance and their only chance of surviving lies in the hands of Mason, his old friends, and a new partner he’s not entirely sure he can trust. Can his team track down a sinister agent codenamed Scarecrow before toxic gas fills the streets of New York City, or will the true power pulling the strings from behind the scenes—the Thirteen—succeed in enacting its genocidal agenda?