Discover the thrilling world of 'Teen Titans Academy Vol. 1,' a captivating graphic novel that brings the infamous Teen Titans back together in an exciting and fresh storyline. Set in 2022, this trade paperback offers a perfect blend of action and adventure as Nightwing, Starfire, Raven, Beast Boy, Cyborg, and Donna Troy take on the role of mentors, shaping the next generation of superheroes. You’ll be immersed in the dynamic environment of Titans Academy, where our favorite heroes teach superpowered teens challenges that test their abilities to the limit. From an Australian Speedster with prosthetics to a trio of goth students obsessed with Batman, the diverse student body adds layers of intrigue that readers will love. Explore the unique backgrounds of apprentices, including Shazam's Billy Batson, as they learn to harness their powers and face the enigma of Red X among them. This must-have graphic novel is ideal for avid fans and newcomers alike, bridging the beloved histories of the Teen Titans franchise. Whether you are looking for a captivating read to dive into or gifts for superhero enthusiasts, 'Teen Titans Academy Vol. 1' is your gateway to excitement. Grab your copy today and join the action-packed journey at Titans Academy, where every page is filled with suspense and adventure. Perfect for readers of all ages, this release from RANDOM HOUSE US promises to entertain and engage. Get ready for epic battles, friendship, and the spirit of teamwork as these fledgling heroes rise to meet their destiny.
Condition: BRAND NEW
ISBN: 9781779515629
Format: Trade paperback (UK)
Year: 2022
The original New Teen Titans have reteamed and formed the Titans Academy to teach the next generation of superpowered teens ...if the students can survive the training.
Nightwing, Starfire, Raven, Beast Boy, Cyborg and Donna Troy are the teachers at the school and will pass along their knowledge to the young recruits looking to learn how to use their powers to reach their full potential.
Meet the student body - a new Australian Speedster who runs on prosthetics, a trio of Batman obsessed Goth kids from Gotham, a teen expatriate from Gorilla City and a kid who's possibly the anti-Christ.
Plus, Billy Batson has enrolled to master his powers as Shazam!
But the big mystery is the which member of this first class is the mysterious Red X.
Fans of any era of the Teen Titans will love this new graphic novel collection that continues the legacy.
Condition: BRAND NEW
ISBN: 9781779515629
Format: Trade paperback (UK)
Year: 2022
The original New Teen Titans have reteamed and formed the Titans Academy to teach the next generation of superpowered teens ...if the students can survive the training.
Nightwing, Starfire, Raven, Beast Boy, Cyborg and Donna Troy are the teachers at the school and will pass along their knowledge to the young recruits looking to learn how to use their powers to reach their full potential.
Meet the student body - a new Australian Speedster who runs on prosthetics, a trio of Batman obsessed Goth kids from Gotham, a teen expatriate from Gorilla City and a kid who's possibly the anti-Christ.
Plus, Billy Batson has enrolled to master his powers as Shazam!
But the big mystery is the which member of this first class is the mysterious Red X.
Fans of any era of the Teen Titans will love this new graphic novel collection that continues the legacy.