Discover the charming tale of 'Ginger Snap,' a delightful children’s book that brings humor and heart to young readers. This engaging story follows Ginger, a little girl with a peculiar allergy to cats and an extraordinary knack for finding herself in troublesome situations. As Ginger navigates her quirky life, filled with reluctant meals of cat food and a school principal with questionable motives, readers are invited to explore themes of friendship, resilience, and self-discovery. With 208 pages of captivating storytelling, this B-format paperback published by Penguin Australia Pty Ltd in 2015 is perfect for kids who enjoy relatable characters and light-hearted adventures. 'Ginger Snap' is an essential addition to any young reader's bookshelf, sparking laughter and empathy in equal measure. Whether you're searching for a thoughtful gift or a must-read for your child's personal library, this book is sure to entertain and inspire. Get ready for a delightful reading experience that will keep kids on the edge of their seats and wondering, will Ginger snap? Order now and enjoy fast shipping, ensuring your book reaches you promptly, so your little ones can dive into this magical story right away.
Condition: BRAND NEW
ISBN: 9780143308911
Format: B-format paperback
Year: 2015
Publisher: Penguin Australia Pty Ltd
Pages: 208
Ginger is allergic to cats. And possibly to her family as well. She's also not keen on the cat food in her breakfast bowl or the school principal trying to kill her best friend. The question on everyone's lips is - will Ginger snap?
Ginger is allergic to cats. And possibly to her family as well. She's also not keen on the cat food in her breakfast bowl or the school principal trying to kill her best friend. The question on everyone's lips is - will Ginger snap?
Condition: BRAND NEW
ISBN: 9780143308911
Format: B-format paperback
Year: 2015
Publisher: Penguin Australia Pty Ltd
Pages: 208
Ginger is allergic to cats. And possibly to her family as well. She's also not keen on the cat food in her breakfast bowl or the school principal trying to kill her best friend. The question on everyone's lips is - will Ginger snap?
Ginger is allergic to cats. And possibly to her family as well. She's also not keen on the cat food in her breakfast bowl or the school principal trying to kill her best friend. The question on everyone's lips is - will Ginger snap?