Discover the thrilling world of 'Tashi and the Demons', an enchanting children's book that combines adventure, bravery, and imagination. This captivating story, perfect for young readers aged 6-9, unfolds the adventures of Tashi as he faces off against menacing demons and the fierce River Pirate. Immerse your child in a tale where cunning, courage, and quick thinking become essential as Tashi navigates a treacherous landscape filled with eerie creatures like spiders, snakes, and rats. With vibrant illustrations and engaging illustrations, this 64-page treasure from A&U Children's Publishing guarantees to hold your child's attention and instill a love of reading. This BRAND NEW edition, published in 2006, is the perfect addition to your child's bookshelf or a wonderful gift for young adventurers. Explore the entire Tashi collection to savor more of his exciting escapades, fostering a love for storytelling and creativity in children. Delivery is prompt with options to ensure your purchase reaches you quickly, making shopping easy and convenient. Let Tashi's adventures inspire your children's imagination today!
Condition: BRAND NEW
ISBN: 9781741149708
Year: 2006
Publisher: A&U Children's
Pages: 64
'The demon's dagger teeth glinted. I'm going to tie you up and tip these spiders over you.'
Spiders and snakes and rats? The slippery demons are going to make Tashi talk.and there's more trouble for Tashi when the fierce River Pirate returns without a warning.
Tashi's life is one big adventure. Read all about him in the other Tashi books.
Condition: BRAND NEW
ISBN: 9781741149708
Year: 2006
Publisher: A&U Children's
Pages: 64
'The demon's dagger teeth glinted. I'm going to tie you up and tip these spiders over you.'
Spiders and snakes and rats? The slippery demons are going to make Tashi talk.and there's more trouble for Tashi when the fierce River Pirate returns without a warning.
Tashi's life is one big adventure. Read all about him in the other Tashi books.