Dive into the thrilling world of 'Talons of Power', the ninth installment in the iconic Wings of Fire series by Tui T. Sutherland. Designed for both young readers and longtime fans of dragon fantasy, this gripping tale unfolds in the aftermath of a devastating war. The dragonets face new dangers as a dark evil, long thought to be vanquished, begins to awaken. Can the young NightWing uncover the true prophecy and save Jade Mountain from its cataclysmic fate?
'Wings of Fire: Talons of Power' captivates with 336 pages filled with adventure, friendship, and courage. With ISBN 9780545685405, this brand new book from Scholastic Inc. promises to keep readers on the edge of their seats. As a home to beloved dragon characters and rich world-building, this epic fantasy is not to be missed.
Perfect for fans seeking the latest in the Wings of Fire collection, 'Talons of Power' continues to build on the expansive lore of dragons, prophecies, and thrilling quests. Find out if the lost city of night can be discovered before disaster strikes. This essential addition to any young reader's library comes in pristine condition and is perfect for gift-giving or personal enjoyment. Order now and embark on this electrifying adventure today! Delivery will be prompt and secure, ensuring your brand new copy arrives safely to your doorstep.
ISBN: 9780545685405
Number of Pages 336
The war is over. The false prophecy has been fulfilled. But the dragonets still have enemies. A dark evil, buried for centuries, is stirring. And a young NightWing may have had the first true prophecy in generations . . . Something is coming to shake the earthSomething is coming scorch the groundJade Mountain will fall beneath thunder and iceUnless the lost city of night can be found. Don't miss the next chapter in the epic, bestselling Wings of Fire series!Read less
'Wings of Fire: Talons of Power' captivates with 336 pages filled with adventure, friendship, and courage. With ISBN 9780545685405, this brand new book from Scholastic Inc. promises to keep readers on the edge of their seats. As a home to beloved dragon characters and rich world-building, this epic fantasy is not to be missed.
Perfect for fans seeking the latest in the Wings of Fire collection, 'Talons of Power' continues to build on the expansive lore of dragons, prophecies, and thrilling quests. Find out if the lost city of night can be discovered before disaster strikes. This essential addition to any young reader's library comes in pristine condition and is perfect for gift-giving or personal enjoyment. Order now and embark on this electrifying adventure today! Delivery will be prompt and secure, ensuring your brand new copy arrives safely to your doorstep.
ISBN: 9780545685405
Number of Pages 336
The war is over. The false prophecy has been fulfilled. But the dragonets still have enemies. A dark evil, buried for centuries, is stirring. And a young NightWing may have had the first true prophecy in generations . . . Something is coming to shake the earthSomething is coming scorch the groundJade Mountain will fall beneath thunder and iceUnless the lost city of night can be found. Don't miss the next chapter in the epic, bestselling Wings of Fire series!Read less