Discover an extraordinary journey into the realm of fantasy with this mind-bending novel that embraces the mystical narrative of swan-people. From acclaimed Icelandic author Kristin Omarsdottir, this captivating story follows Elisabet Eva, a young spy whose life is forever altered when she unveils a hidden world beneath the surface of her mundane existence. Set in a not-too-distant future, Elisabet's routine life in the city shifts dramatically as she wanders by a tranquil lake and encounters two enigmatic half-human, half-swan creatures. This thought-provoking novel, published by Random House UK in 2022, invites readers to explore themes of identity, desire, and the nature of reality, making it a must-read for fans of speculative fiction and contemporary fantasy. The riveting narrative delves into the deeper questions of life through the eyes of the swanfolk and provides a unique twist on traditional folklore. Shortlisted for the Icelandic Women's Literature Prize, this book showcases Omarsdottir's poetic storytelling and ability to weave intricate plots that challenge perception and encourage introspection. Add this brand-new hardcover edition to your collection today and embark on an unforgettable literary journey.
Delivery Information: Enjoy reliable shipping options and get your copy delivered right to your door, ensuring you can start reading this enchanting novel without delay.
Condition: BRAND NEW
ISBN: 9781787303294
Format: Paper over boards
Year: 2022
An astonishing mind-bending novel about a woman's discovery of a community of swan-people from one of Iceland's greatest writers.
An astonishing mind-bending novel about a woman's discovery of a community of swan-people from one of Iceland's greatest writers.
In the not-too-distant future, a young spy named Elisabet Eva is about to discover something that will upend her carefully controlled life.
Elisabet's work is the lynchpin of her existence in the city; her friends and social life centre around the Special Unit. But recently Elisabet has found herself taking long solitary walks near the lake. One day, she sees two creatures emerging from the water, half-human, half-swan. She follows them through tangles of thickets into a strange new reality.
Elisabet's walks turn into regular visits to these swan women, who reveal to her the enigma of their secret existence, and their deepest desires. Pulled further and further into the monomaniacal, and often violent, quest of the swanfolk she finds her own mind increasingly untrustworthy. Ultimately, Elisabet is forced to reckon with both the consequences of her involvement with these unusual beings and a past life she has been trying to evade.
' marsdottir's skills as a poet and playwright are evident' Helen Oyeyemi, New York Review of Books
Delivery Information: Enjoy reliable shipping options and get your copy delivered right to your door, ensuring you can start reading this enchanting novel without delay.
Condition: BRAND NEW
ISBN: 9781787303294
Format: Paper over boards
Year: 2022
An astonishing mind-bending novel about a woman's discovery of a community of swan-people from one of Iceland's greatest writers.
An astonishing mind-bending novel about a woman's discovery of a community of swan-people from one of Iceland's greatest writers.
In the not-too-distant future, a young spy named Elisabet Eva is about to discover something that will upend her carefully controlled life.
Elisabet's work is the lynchpin of her existence in the city; her friends and social life centre around the Special Unit. But recently Elisabet has found herself taking long solitary walks near the lake. One day, she sees two creatures emerging from the water, half-human, half-swan. She follows them through tangles of thickets into a strange new reality.
Elisabet's walks turn into regular visits to these swan women, who reveal to her the enigma of their secret existence, and their deepest desires. Pulled further and further into the monomaniacal, and often violent, quest of the swanfolk she finds her own mind increasingly untrustworthy. Ultimately, Elisabet is forced to reckon with both the consequences of her involvement with these unusual beings and a past life she has been trying to evade.
' marsdottir's skills as a poet and playwright are evident' Helen Oyeyemi, New York Review of Books