Dive into the enchanting world of middle school with 'Sunny Rolls the Dice (Sunny #3)', the third installment in the beloved Sunny series by Jennifer L. Holm. This brand new, 224-page book, beautifully illustrated by Matthew Holm, invites readers to explore the adventures of Sunny as she navigates the ups and downs of teenage social dynamics. Will she fit in with her friends, or will her passion for Dungeons & Dragons help her redefine what being 'cool' really means? With relatable themes of friendship and self-discovery, this story captures the essence of growing up in a fun and engaging manner.
Sunny finds herself caught between her best friend Deb’s obsession with fashion, boys, and all things mainstream, while she just wants to have fun and be herself. As Sunny immerses herself in her imaginative world, rolling the 20-sided die and embarking on thrilling quests, she learns that trying too hard to fit in can be exhausting and that true friendship is rooted in acceptance. 'Sunny Rolls the Dice' is perfect for young readers exploring their own identities and interests.
Condition: Brand New
ISBN: 9781338233148
Publisher: Scholastic US
Whether your child is a budding gamer or a fashionable trendsetter, this book is sure to resonate with them. Get ready for an adventure filled with laughter, excitement, and important lessons about authenticity. Order your copy today and join Sunny in discovering her unique groove!
Condition: Brand New
ISBN: 9781338233148
Number of Pages 224
By Holm, Jennifer L.
Illustrated by Holm, Matthew
Publisher Scholastic US
Too cool for school . . . or the least groovy girl in the grade? Sunny's just made it to middle school . . . and it's making her life very confusing. All her best friend Deb wants to talk about is fashion, boys, makeup, boys, and being cool. Sunny's not against any of these thing...s, but she also doesn't understand why suddenly everything revolves around them. She's much more comfortable when she's in her basement, playing Dungeons & Dragons with a bunch of new friends. Because when you're swordfighting and spider-slaying, it's hard to worry about whether you look cool or not. Especially when it's your turn to roll the 20-sided die. Trying hard to be cool can make you feel really uncool . . . and it's much more fun to just have fun. Sunny's going to find her groove and her own kind of groovy, with plenty of laughs along the way.Read less
Sunny finds herself caught between her best friend Deb’s obsession with fashion, boys, and all things mainstream, while she just wants to have fun and be herself. As Sunny immerses herself in her imaginative world, rolling the 20-sided die and embarking on thrilling quests, she learns that trying too hard to fit in can be exhausting and that true friendship is rooted in acceptance. 'Sunny Rolls the Dice' is perfect for young readers exploring their own identities and interests.
Condition: Brand New
ISBN: 9781338233148
Publisher: Scholastic US
Whether your child is a budding gamer or a fashionable trendsetter, this book is sure to resonate with them. Get ready for an adventure filled with laughter, excitement, and important lessons about authenticity. Order your copy today and join Sunny in discovering her unique groove!
Condition: Brand New
ISBN: 9781338233148
Number of Pages 224
By Holm, Jennifer L.
Illustrated by Holm, Matthew
Publisher Scholastic US
Too cool for school . . . or the least groovy girl in the grade? Sunny's just made it to middle school . . . and it's making her life very confusing. All her best friend Deb wants to talk about is fashion, boys, makeup, boys, and being cool. Sunny's not against any of these thing...s, but she also doesn't understand why suddenly everything revolves around them. She's much more comfortable when she's in her basement, playing Dungeons & Dragons with a bunch of new friends. Because when you're swordfighting and spider-slaying, it's hard to worry about whether you look cool or not. Especially when it's your turn to roll the 20-sided die. Trying hard to be cool can make you feel really uncool . . . and it's much more fun to just have fun. Sunny's going to find her groove and her own kind of groovy, with plenty of laughs along the way.Read less