Discover the enchanting world of 'Sun Sword 1: Quest for the Sun Gem,' a captivating adventure novel perfect for children aged 8 to 12. This thrilling B-format paperback, published by Penguin Australia Pty Ltd, takes young readers on an unforgettable journey filled with magical creatures, mysterious puzzles, and brave heroes. Follow siblings Ethan and Lily as they embark on a daring quest to rescue their captured family and friends from the clutches of the evil Sedah invaders. Budding adventurers will be drawn into the narrative as they accompany them and their valiant companions, Saxon and Princess Roana.
As the story unfolds, the young heroes must solve riddles, navigate treacherous paths, and face legendary sea monsters, making every page turn an exciting experience. Ideal as an engaging read-aloud book or a perfect addition to any child's bookshelf, this magical tale will engage their imagination and foster a love for reading.
With 336 pages of exhilarating enchantment, 'Quest for the Sun Gem' ensures that readers are not only entertained but also mentally challenged. Will Ethan, Lily, Saxon, and Princess Roana uncover the secrets of the hidden Sun Gem before Sniffer, the sinister Sedah tracker, catches up to them? The stakes are high, and the adventure awaits!
This brand-new paperback edition (ISBN: 9781760891008) is essential for families seeking fresh and invigorating stories to inspire their young ones. Your journey begins here, where courage meets magic!
Delivery Information: We offer fast and reliable shipping options, ensuring that your new favorite book arrives at your doorstep promptly. Shop now to dive into this extraordinary adventure!
Condition: BRAND NEW
ISBN: 9781760891008
Format: B-format paperback
Year: 2020
Publisher: Penguin Australia Pty Ltd
Pages: 336
Magical and exciting, full of wonderful creatures, mysterious codes and puzzles, and with four courageous young heroes and heroines, this series will delight all 8 to 12 year olds.
After their village is attacked, a young brother and sister set off on a dangerous quest to save their captured family and friends - and free their land from the Sedah invaders.
Where are Ethan and Lily's parents being held? And where have the Sun Sword and its magical gems been hidden? Joined by their friend Saxon and the determined Princess Roana, Ethan and Lily must solve puzzles and riddles, escape legendary sea monsters and outwit bandits along the way.
But the greatest threat to the children is the sinister Sedah tracker, Sniffer, who is close on their trail ... Can the four friends find the Sun Gem - before the Sedah can find them?
As the story unfolds, the young heroes must solve riddles, navigate treacherous paths, and face legendary sea monsters, making every page turn an exciting experience. Ideal as an engaging read-aloud book or a perfect addition to any child's bookshelf, this magical tale will engage their imagination and foster a love for reading.
With 336 pages of exhilarating enchantment, 'Quest for the Sun Gem' ensures that readers are not only entertained but also mentally challenged. Will Ethan, Lily, Saxon, and Princess Roana uncover the secrets of the hidden Sun Gem before Sniffer, the sinister Sedah tracker, catches up to them? The stakes are high, and the adventure awaits!
This brand-new paperback edition (ISBN: 9781760891008) is essential for families seeking fresh and invigorating stories to inspire their young ones. Your journey begins here, where courage meets magic!
Delivery Information: We offer fast and reliable shipping options, ensuring that your new favorite book arrives at your doorstep promptly. Shop now to dive into this extraordinary adventure!
Condition: BRAND NEW
ISBN: 9781760891008
Format: B-format paperback
Year: 2020
Publisher: Penguin Australia Pty Ltd
Pages: 336
Magical and exciting, full of wonderful creatures, mysterious codes and puzzles, and with four courageous young heroes and heroines, this series will delight all 8 to 12 year olds.
After their village is attacked, a young brother and sister set off on a dangerous quest to save their captured family and friends - and free their land from the Sedah invaders.
Where are Ethan and Lily's parents being held? And where have the Sun Sword and its magical gems been hidden? Joined by their friend Saxon and the determined Princess Roana, Ethan and Lily must solve puzzles and riddles, escape legendary sea monsters and outwit bandits along the way.
But the greatest threat to the children is the sinister Sedah tracker, Sniffer, who is close on their trail ... Can the four friends find the Sun Gem - before the Sedah can find them?