Dive into the gripping world of suburban suspense with this riveting novel centered around Andie Stern, a former FBI profiler turned mother of four (soon to be five). Set in the quiet streets of West Windsor, New Jersey, this book offers a thrilling mix of family life and murder mystery. When a gruesome crime interrupts her daily routine at a gas station, Andie finds herself thrust into a chilling investigation, reigniting her passion for solving homicide cases while managing her growing family. Teaming up with the determined local journalist Kenneth Lee — who has his own motivations for pursuing the truth — Andie confronts a series of bizarre and disturbing events that reveal deeper societal issues, including racial tensions and a long-buried conspiracy. With a blend of humor, suspense, and heartfelt moments, this book delivers a compelling narrative that keeps readers on the edge of their seats. Perfect for fans of mystery thrillers that explore life behind the façade of suburbia, this brand new paperback from Titan Publishing Group is a must-read. Don’t miss your chance to experience a tale that reflects on the complexities of motherhood, community, and justice. Order now and enjoy free shipping! Please allow up to 6 weeks for delivery. Once your order is placed, it cannot be cancelled.
Note: Shipping for this item is free. Please allow up to 6 weeks for delivery. Once your order is placed, it cannot be cancelled.
Condition: BRAND NEW
ISBN: 9781789096279
Year: 2021
Publisher: Titan Publishing Group
Andie Stern thought she'd solved her final homicide. Once a budding FBI profiler, she gave up her career to raise her four (soon to be five) children in West Windsor, New Jersey. But one day, a very-pregnant Andie pulls into a gas station-and stumbles across a murder scene. An attendant has been killed, and the bumbling local cops are in way over their heads. Suddenly, Andie is obsessed with the case, and back on the trail of a killer, this time with kids in tow.
She soon crosses paths with disgraced local journalist Kenneth Lee, who also has everything to prove in solving the case. A string of unusual occurrences-and eventually, body parts-surface around town, and Andie and Kenneth uncover simmering racial tensions and a decades-old conspiracy.
'A gritty, charming, terrifying, and ultimately wry assessment of just what lurks behind a white picket fence.' — Lisa Gardner
Note: Shipping for this item is free. Please allow up to 6 weeks for delivery. Once your order is placed, it cannot be cancelled.
Condition: BRAND NEW
ISBN: 9781789096279
Year: 2021
Publisher: Titan Publishing Group
Andie Stern thought she'd solved her final homicide. Once a budding FBI profiler, she gave up her career to raise her four (soon to be five) children in West Windsor, New Jersey. But one day, a very-pregnant Andie pulls into a gas station-and stumbles across a murder scene. An attendant has been killed, and the bumbling local cops are in way over their heads. Suddenly, Andie is obsessed with the case, and back on the trail of a killer, this time with kids in tow.
She soon crosses paths with disgraced local journalist Kenneth Lee, who also has everything to prove in solving the case. A string of unusual occurrences-and eventually, body parts-surface around town, and Andie and Kenneth uncover simmering racial tensions and a decades-old conspiracy.
'A gritty, charming, terrifying, and ultimately wry assessment of just what lurks behind a white picket fence.' — Lisa Gardner