Struggles for Liberation in Abya Yala

SKU: PR359126

Sale price$141.00


Condition: BRAND NEW
ISBN: 9781394181230
Year: 2024
Publisher: John Wiley & Sons Inc (US)


Presents struggles for liberation in the Americas from the perspectives of structural victims

Struggles for Liberation in Abya Yala explores the ways people occupying different positionalities respond to various catastrophes while discussing how collective processes of struggle make new meanings and create new forms of relationality and subjectivity. Bringing together contributions by a diverse panel of well-established voices and rising scholars, this provocative volume challenges readers to resist, take direct collective action, organize, protest, and give proper uptake to social movements that fight against injustice and life-threatening conditions.

Operating primarily within the context of “Abya Yala” — the term deployed by indigenous peoples to refer to the US, Latin America, and the Caribbean — the volume demonstrates and advances the explanatory and normative power of Philosophy of Liberation and the Decolonial Turn through theoretical analysis of current social changes unfolding in the Americas. Throughout the book, academic scholars and on-the-ground activists illustrate the reach, impact, and implications of radical social transformations that support victims of the system.

Offering perspectives from the people who have chosen to rebel and act in solidarity against the system that oppresses them, Struggles for Liberation in Abya Yala:
Addresses different struggles for social justice in the US, México and Latin America

Draws from philosophical tradition with influence in Africana philosophy, feminism, critical race theory, ethics, and political philosophy

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