Step Into The Spotlight

SKU: PR275530

Sale price$60.50


Step Into The Spotlight
Author: Russell Pickering Publisher: TPG Publishing
Bind: paperback
Dimensions: 152 x 229 mm
Pages: 191
Publication Date: 04-04-2022
A practical how-to guide to crafting and delivering impactful presentations Now, more than ever, in this tech-saturated, digitally-[dis]connected world, authentic human connection is the competitive advantage that gives you or your team the edge. We all have this natural ability to connect, yet so many of us shy away from the spotlight as we believe we don’t possess it. As it turns out, most of us are simply untrained in how to best harness our power. Filled with practical tips on every aspect of business presenting, in-person and virtual, Step Into The Spotlight provides a powerful, step-by-step process that guides people out of the shadows and into the spotlight, ensuring they present with impact, improve business presentation skills and inspire confidence.

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