Discover the magical journey of Sophie's World Vol II, a captivating graphic novel adaptation that takes you through Western philosophy's most significant milestones. From the intriguing question, 'Who are you?', Sophie finds herself on an enlightening quest, exploring the thoughts of great philosophers like Descartes, Locke, Freud, and Marx. This vibrant comic-style edition brings Jostein Gaarder's beloved narrative to life, making complex ideas accessible and enjoyable for readers of all ages. Perfect for philosophy enthusiasts and newcomers alike, Sophie's World Vol II invites you to reflect on your own life and existence. This brand new edition, published in 2023 by Self Made Hero, offers an engaging blend of wit and deep thought as Sophie and her enigmatic guide, Alberto, traverse the rich landscape of philosophical inquiry. Whether you're looking for an educational gift or a thought-provoking read for yourself, this book will inspire and challenge your understanding of the world. Plus, enjoy free shipping on your order, with delivery in up to 6 weeks. Grab your copy of Sophie's World Vol II today and embark on an unforgettable quest for meaning!
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Condition: BRAND NEW
ISBN: 9781914224164
Year: 2023
Publisher: Self Made Hero
Sophie's come a long way since the day she received that cryptic letter with its intriguing question: "Who are you?". The mysterious correspondence sweeps our curious young heroine off on a tour of Western philosophy from its ancient foundations through the Renaissance. But it also prompts more personal reflection: What is my place in the world, my purpose in life? And just who is that girl, a stranger and yet so familiar, I glimpse in the mirror? In this second volume, Sophie's quest for answers will see her explore major schools of modern thought from Descartes and Locke to Freud and Marx. She and her quizzical philosophy teacher Alberto, now unmasked, struggles with the possibility that they are characters in a book. As ever, our intrepid heroine remains as forthright and open-hearted. In this witty comics adaptation, ZABUS and NICOBY reinvent JOSTEIN GAARDER's novel of ideas - a beloved bestseller that has already won the hearts of over 50 million readers around the world - to bring Sophie's charming quest for meaning to a whole new medium and a new generation.
Note: Shipping for this item is free. Please allow up to 6 weeks for delivery. Once your order is placed, it cannot be cancelled.
Condition: BRAND NEW
ISBN: 9781914224164
Year: 2023
Publisher: Self Made Hero
Sophie's come a long way since the day she received that cryptic letter with its intriguing question: "Who are you?". The mysterious correspondence sweeps our curious young heroine off on a tour of Western philosophy from its ancient foundations through the Renaissance. But it also prompts more personal reflection: What is my place in the world, my purpose in life? And just who is that girl, a stranger and yet so familiar, I glimpse in the mirror? In this second volume, Sophie's quest for answers will see her explore major schools of modern thought from Descartes and Locke to Freud and Marx. She and her quizzical philosophy teacher Alberto, now unmasked, struggles with the possibility that they are characters in a book. As ever, our intrepid heroine remains as forthright and open-hearted. In this witty comics adaptation, ZABUS and NICOBY reinvent JOSTEIN GAARDER's novel of ideas - a beloved bestseller that has already won the hearts of over 50 million readers around the world - to bring Sophie's charming quest for meaning to a whole new medium and a new generation.