Discover the heart-wrenching story of Lakshmi, a young girl from a destitute family in the mountains of Nepal, in the poignant novel 'Sold' by Patricia McCormick. This compelling book, published by A&U Children's in 2007, captures the harsh realities of human trafficking with sensitivity and depth. With 288 pages, 'Sold' not only chronicles Lakshmi's journey as she is forced to leave her home due to her family's dire financial situation, but it also addresses crucial themes such as resilience, friendship, and the fight against injustice.
As the plot unfolds, Lakshmi's journey takes a tragic turn when she arrives at 'Happiness House', believing she is embarking on a new path to support her family. Instead, she discovers the grim truth of being sold into prostitution. This novel, while shocking and heartbreaking, is a crucial exploration of modern slavery and the strength of the human spirit.
Critically acclaimed for its delicate handling of difficult subjects, 'Sold' is described as a phenomenal book that both educates and enlightens readers about issues of child exploitation and the quest for freedom. McCormick’s storytelling will resonate long after the last page is turned, making it an essential addition to your reading list. Ideal for readers seeking impactful literature that addresses real-world problems, this novel is a must-read for anyone passionate about social justice.
Order now and receive your copy with fast delivery options. Join Lakshmi on her unforgettable journey and be inspired by her courage to reclaim her life.
Condition: BRAND NEW
ISBN: 9781741751055
Year: 2007
Publisher: A&U Children's
Pages: 288
Lakshmi's family is desperately poor, but village life in the mountains of Nepal has its share of pleasures. When the monsoons wreck their crops yet again, Lakshmi's stepfather says she must leave home and take a job to support her family. She arrives at 'Happiness House' full of hope, but soon learns the unthinkable truth - she has been sold into prostitution.
This new world becomes a nightmare from which there is no escape. But, very gradually, Lakshmi makes friends with others in the house, and gathers her courage, until the day she has to face the hardest decision of all: will she risk everything to reclaim her life?
Deceptively simple, eloquent, and shocking - this is a story you will never forget.
'A phenomenal book, a punch in the gut. It drew me in from the first page, even though I wanted to turn away. McCormick has taken a difficult, distasteful subject and written something readable and compassionate without shying away from the truths of the matter. I only wish it was a historical document, not a portrait of a world we have all helped to create.' Deborah Ellis, author of the Parvana series
As the plot unfolds, Lakshmi's journey takes a tragic turn when she arrives at 'Happiness House', believing she is embarking on a new path to support her family. Instead, she discovers the grim truth of being sold into prostitution. This novel, while shocking and heartbreaking, is a crucial exploration of modern slavery and the strength of the human spirit.
Critically acclaimed for its delicate handling of difficult subjects, 'Sold' is described as a phenomenal book that both educates and enlightens readers about issues of child exploitation and the quest for freedom. McCormick’s storytelling will resonate long after the last page is turned, making it an essential addition to your reading list. Ideal for readers seeking impactful literature that addresses real-world problems, this novel is a must-read for anyone passionate about social justice.
Order now and receive your copy with fast delivery options. Join Lakshmi on her unforgettable journey and be inspired by her courage to reclaim her life.
Condition: BRAND NEW
ISBN: 9781741751055
Year: 2007
Publisher: A&U Children's
Pages: 288
Lakshmi's family is desperately poor, but village life in the mountains of Nepal has its share of pleasures. When the monsoons wreck their crops yet again, Lakshmi's stepfather says she must leave home and take a job to support her family. She arrives at 'Happiness House' full of hope, but soon learns the unthinkable truth - she has been sold into prostitution.
This new world becomes a nightmare from which there is no escape. But, very gradually, Lakshmi makes friends with others in the house, and gathers her courage, until the day she has to face the hardest decision of all: will she risk everything to reclaim her life?
Deceptively simple, eloquent, and shocking - this is a story you will never forget.
'A phenomenal book, a punch in the gut. It drew me in from the first page, even though I wanted to turn away. McCormick has taken a difficult, distasteful subject and written something readable and compassionate without shying away from the truths of the matter. I only wish it was a historical document, not a portrait of a world we have all helped to create.' Deborah Ellis, author of the Parvana series