Soil Mechanics and Foundations

SKU: PR88151

Sale price$398.00


Condition: BRAND NEW
ISBN: 9780470556849
Year: 2010
Publisher: John Wiley & Sons Inc (US)
Pages: 780

Soil Mechanics and Foundations 3rd Edition presents the basic
concepts and principles of soil mechanics and foundations in the
context of basic mechanics, physics, and mathematics. It is
appropriate for a single course combining introduction to soil
mechanics and foundations, or for a two-course geotechnical
engineering sequence.

The author presents topics thoroughly and systematically without
diluting technical rigor, and gives students confidence in learning
the principles of soil mechanics and its application to foundation
analysis by clearly defining what they should learn from this text,
and providing tools to help them organize and assess their own

Soil Mechanics and Foundations 3rd Edition supports active
learning and student self-assessment by defining learning outcomes
and objectives, providing questions to guide their reading,
definitions of key terms, multimedia supporting self-assessment,
and homework exercises defined to target theory, problem-solving,
and practical applications. Web-based applications available with
the text include interactive animations, interactive problem
solving, interactive step-by-step examples, virtual soils
laboratory,e-quizzes,and more! The text is written using 100% SI

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