Discover a captivating tale of romance and ambition in this enchanting coming-of-age novel set against the picturesque backdrop of 1931. Freya, a spirited young woman, leaves behind her family in Cornwall to chase her dreams of stardom as an actress. The vibrant world of theatre is filled with excitement and glamour, yet Freya finds herself disillusioned by the realities of love and fame. As she navigates the complexities of stage life, she learns that true fulfillment may be found in unexpected places. With richly drawn characters and a poignant storyline, this book invites readers to explore themes of self-discovery and the pursuit of dreams. Readers are calling it a perfect comfort read — an escape into a world where love and destiny intertwine. Ideal for those who enjoy heartwarming stories and enchanting romances, this novel is a must-have addition to your collection. Enjoy a tale that resonates deeply and captures the essence of youthful aspirations and love. Embrace romance and follow Freya on a journey of realization, growth, and heartfelt connection. Please note that this product is brand new, published by Scholastic UK, and spans 356 pages — a substantial read to immerse yourself in. Order now for a transformative literary experience, and enjoy swift delivery right to your door.
ISBN: 9781407192413
Number of Pages 356
A snow-dusted love story. In the Autumn of 1931, impetuous Freya leaves her family in Cornwall to follow her dream of becoming an actress. She joins a theatrical company and, amidst all the enchantment and bustle of stage life, falls in love with the handsome, glamorous leading Neither being an actress nor having a love affair lives up to Freya's grand expectations - which is when she realises her true calling, and also her chance at real romance, has been under her nose all along. An enchanting coming of age romance about following your dreams - even when they aren't quite what you expected. Praise for A SKY PAINTED GOLD: The perfect comfort read Ella Risbridger Pure escapism . a wildly romantic, delicious indulgence OBSERVER A brilliant, beautiful book Louise O'Neill Perfect for glamour-soaked summer escapism MAIL ON SUNDAYRead less
ISBN: 9781407192413
Number of Pages 356
A snow-dusted love story. In the Autumn of 1931, impetuous Freya leaves her family in Cornwall to follow her dream of becoming an actress. She joins a theatrical company and, amidst all the enchantment and bustle of stage life, falls in love with the handsome, glamorous leading Neither being an actress nor having a love affair lives up to Freya's grand expectations - which is when she realises her true calling, and also her chance at real romance, has been under her nose all along. An enchanting coming of age romance about following your dreams - even when they aren't quite what you expected. Praise for A SKY PAINTED GOLD: The perfect comfort read Ella Risbridger Pure escapism . a wildly romantic, delicious indulgence OBSERVER A brilliant, beautiful book Louise O'Neill Perfect for glamour-soaked summer escapism MAIL ON SUNDAYRead less