Discover the enchanting tale of *Snow & Rose*, a beautifully illustrated picture book that breathes new life into the timeless fairy tale 'Snow White and Rose Red.' Authored by the *New York Times* bestselling illustrator Emily Winfield Martin, this captivating story follows two sisters, Snow and Rose, whose lives are turned upside down when their father vanishes into the ominous woods, and their mother succumbs to sorrow. With spectacular illustrations and a heartfelt narrative, *Snow & Rose* invites readers of all ages to explore the themes of love, family, and the magic of adventure.
Perfect for gifting this holiday season, this book promises to be a modern classic suitable for bedtime stories or leisurely reading. Each page is crafted with stunning detail, making it a beloved keepsake for children and adults alike. Easy to read and packed with deeper meanings, this fairy tale reimagining not only captivates but also encourages reflection and understanding among young readers.
*Snow & Rose* is a delightful addition to any child's library—ideal for sparking imagination and curiosity. With its 224 beautifully illustrated pages, this picture book is sure to become a treasured favorite, read repeatedly for its enchanting story and vibrant artwork.
Order now for prompt delivery, ensuring that this magical story arrives in time for your cozy reading sessions. Experience the magic of *Snow & Rose* today!
Condition: BRAND NEW
ISBN: 9780553538212
Format: Picture book
Year: 2019
Pages: 224
Give the gift of this stunningly illustrated fairy-tale reimagining from the New York Times bestselling author-illustrator of The Wonderful Things You Will Be this holiday season-sure to be a modern classic!
Snow and Rose didn't know they were in a fairy tale. People never do. . . .
Once, they lived in a big house with spectacular gardens and an army of servants.
Once, they had a father and mother who loved them more than the sun and moon.
But that was before their father disappeared into the woods and their mother disappeared into sorrow.
This is the story of two sisters and the enchanted woods that have been waiting for them to break a set of terrible spells.
In Snow & Rose, bestselling author-illustrator Emily Winfield Martin retells the traditional but little-known fairy tale "Snow White and Rose Red." The beautiful full-color illustrations throughout and unusual yet relatable characters will bring readers back to this book again and again.
"The deeper meanings of the story do emerge, but the pleasure . . . is paramount." -The New York Times
Perfect for gifting this holiday season, this book promises to be a modern classic suitable for bedtime stories or leisurely reading. Each page is crafted with stunning detail, making it a beloved keepsake for children and adults alike. Easy to read and packed with deeper meanings, this fairy tale reimagining not only captivates but also encourages reflection and understanding among young readers.
*Snow & Rose* is a delightful addition to any child's library—ideal for sparking imagination and curiosity. With its 224 beautifully illustrated pages, this picture book is sure to become a treasured favorite, read repeatedly for its enchanting story and vibrant artwork.
Order now for prompt delivery, ensuring that this magical story arrives in time for your cozy reading sessions. Experience the magic of *Snow & Rose* today!
Condition: BRAND NEW
ISBN: 9780553538212
Format: Picture book
Year: 2019
Pages: 224
Give the gift of this stunningly illustrated fairy-tale reimagining from the New York Times bestselling author-illustrator of The Wonderful Things You Will Be this holiday season-sure to be a modern classic!
Snow and Rose didn't know they were in a fairy tale. People never do. . . .
Once, they lived in a big house with spectacular gardens and an army of servants.
Once, they had a father and mother who loved them more than the sun and moon.
But that was before their father disappeared into the woods and their mother disappeared into sorrow.
This is the story of two sisters and the enchanted woods that have been waiting for them to break a set of terrible spells.
In Snow & Rose, bestselling author-illustrator Emily Winfield Martin retells the traditional but little-known fairy tale "Snow White and Rose Red." The beautiful full-color illustrations throughout and unusual yet relatable characters will bring readers back to this book again and again.
"The deeper meanings of the story do emerge, but the pleasure . . . is paramount." -The New York Times